Mon 27 Jan
Turn off d lights, fall onto my table, let me knead away your stress, have some fun, Mea Culpa. - 30
(Houston, Galleria, Behind the Mall)
The ULTIMATE 2 GirL Body Rub for the Upscale and Classy Gentlemen in the GaLLeria and Downtown Areas
(OUTCALLS in the Galleria and Downtown)
SUPER Busty Dirty BLONDE ~~~~ Sensual ~~~~ MY Hands.. ALL OVER YOU!! ~~~~ LATE NITE Relaxation - 30
(Houston, galleria/all areas. in/out)
★•★ SuPer BuSty ★•★ SeXy Q-T ~~ {★❤ SeXy ° Sensual ° Toe~CurLing ❤★ } ~100% Real - 30
(Houston, westheimer/galleria * In/Out -all areas)
For a Stimulating, Therapeutic, Soothing, Relaxing Sensual Massage, call me !
(Galleria/behind the mall)
(([[See why we are #1]])) ---Free massage by Male Models.. (reg. $55)... New Pics
(North and South Houston - Outcall/Incall)
Sun 12 Jan
_____ ______ ______ WET _____ & _______ WILD _______ WEDNESDAY _______ independant - 37
(WESTHEIMER& DUNLAVY/ Downtown, Midtown,)
Massage should be Sensually intense! And Therapeutically refreshing! Who's your massage therapist? - 30
(Houston, Galleria/behind the mall)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Its SOOOO Warm outside.. and so cool and fun inside With a Wonderful Refreshing Massage from ME!!!! - 37
Hey cowboy, Work like the Ok Corral? ride away with a great Massage FrOm ME!! - 39
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
Saturday, A day for You.. a Day for Me!! call me today for a wonderful experience.. - 39
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
Wed 08 Jan
__________ ❤ ❤ S U N F L O W E R S ❤ ❤ __________ - 21
(midtown / downtown / medical center / galleria)
Tue 07 Jan
(([[SEE WHY WE ARE #1]])) ---Free massage by Male Models.. (reg. $65)... New Pics
(North and South Houston)
Bored? Stressed? just want a cool place to ralex in? Come enjoy a wonderfuil Massage from me!! - 37
Mon 06 Jan
Enjoy feeling your entire body touched in a caring, healing and relaxing sensual way? - 30
(Houston, Galleria)
Sun 05 Jan
Work, Girlfriends, Wifes, Bosses. ENough! A Massage from me is what you nEEd!! - 40
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
100% Warm Fullbody Therapeutic, sensual healing massage will dissolve ur stress, U Relax & Recharge - 30
(Galleria, Behind the Mall)
Sat 04 Jan
★★ SUPER SEXY 34DDs ★★ 100% REAL ★★ SENSUAL ★ ★ ★ H O T BODYRUB - 31
(Houston, In/Out -Galleria Westchase all areas)
SUPER SeXy & BUSTY __★__ SOo SWEET ★__ SOo SENSUAL ❤ HOT B0DYRUB __ 4U ! ❤ AVaiLaBle TiL 12AM! - 31
(Houston, Galleria - Houston areas _ In/Out)
Fri 03 Jan
Valintines Day is coming!! Let me make it perfect for you and your special love!!! - 37
★•★ SuPer BuSty ★•★ SeXy Q-T ~~ {★❤ SeXy ° Sensual ° Toe~CurLing ❤★ } ~~Real Pics! - 30
(Houston, westheimer/galleria * In/Out -all areas)
2 in 1 Full body massage (Therapeutic & Sensual ) - an incredibly powerful combination!
(Richmond @South Rice, behind the Galleri)