LuNcH 50 sPeC ~ LoVeLy W€T TrEaTs !! i LuV tHaT gUsHy SoUnd WhEn U sLaP iT PaPi ~~ incall spec's - 24
Houston - Escorts
cone play n get treated as a KINg specials - 24
💎 Beautiful Latina/ Incall specials - 21
50Q WkNd special !! OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs, i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS !! 50 incall specials - 24
50Q DrOp N BoP special !! OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs, i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS !! 50Q incall specials - 24
50Q special !! OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs, i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS !! 50 incall specials - 24
50 SpECiaL ~ 2 NiTeS A gOOd NiTe 2 jUsT LeT iT aLL hAnG OuT !! 50 SPEC ~~ incall specials !! - 24
50 sPeC !! PuT tHaT bAcK iN, I'm NoT dOnE WiTh U PaPi !! Incall spec - 24
50 SpEc ~♡♡ i StAy HoRnY n ReAdY tO GeT tHiS wEEk StArTeD, C♡M c Me PaPi ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
50 SpEc ~♡♡ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT 2 Do MaGiC tRiCkS, C♡M c Me PaPi ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
50 SpEc ~ ToDaY iS A GooD dAy To JuSt LeT iT aLL hAnG oUt PaPi !! ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
50 SpECiaL ~ EaRLy MoRn TrEaTs, C'u'M n GeT sUm PaPi !! 50 SPEC ~ incall specials !! - 24
50 sPeC ~ GaMeDaY TrEaTs !! i LuV tHaT gUsHy SoUnd WhEn U sLaP iT PaPi ~~ incall spec's - 24
50 sPeC !! ooooH Wee PaPi i LoVe 2 HeAr ThAt GuShY SoUnD wHeN uR BHiNd Me ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
50 sPeC ~ AfTeRnOOn TrEaTs !! i LuV tHaT gUsHy SoUnd WhEn U sLaP iT PaPi ~~ incall spec's - 24
50 SpEc ~ Ur oFFiCiAL LaTe NiTe CoMpANiOn ~ hr incall spec's - 24
50Q DrOp N BoP special !! OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs, i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS !! 50 in/out specials - 24
50 sPeC ~ LuNcH TrEaTs !! i LuV tHaT gUsHy SoUnd WhEn U sLaP iT PaPi ~~ incall spec's - 24
50 SpEc ~ ToDaY iS A gOOd DaY tO jUsT LeT iT aLL hAnG oUt PaPi !! ~ incall spec !! - 24
40 sPeC !! OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StaRt To Do MaGiC tRiCks ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
50 sPeC !! WkNd W€Tn€zz ~~ iM nOt ThRu WiTh U PuT tHaT bAcK iN PaPi ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
50 sPeC ~~ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS~~ incall spec's - 24
50 sPeC ~ PuT tHaT bAcK oN My LiPs i'M nOt ThRu WiTh iT PaPi !! ~ CaLL mE !! Incall spec - 24
50 spec !! ~ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT tO dO mAGiC tRiCkS PaPi !! incall specials - 24
50 Q SpECiaL ~ wKnD LuV PaPi !! ~~ C'u'M n GeT sUm PaPi !! 50 Q SPEC ~ incall specials !! - 24
50 SpEc ~~ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT tO Do MaGiC tRiCkS. ~~ incall & hr specials - 24
40 sPeC ~~ OnCe iT HiTs My LiPs i StArT tO dO MaGiC tRiCkS~~ incall spec's - 24
50 SpEc ~♡♡ GooD dAy To GeT uR OiL cHaNgEd PaPi, C{U}M c Me ♡♡ ~ Incall spec - 24
40 LuNcH sPeC !! DoN't WoRRy AbOuT tHe tRiCkS PaPi, i OnLy HaVe TrEaTs !!! Incall special