Mon 27 Jan
Memorial Day Special! !!!!! 100 rose incall all day!NO BLACK MEN!832 489 0907!!!!!! - 23
(City of Houston, Conroe, Houston, Huntsville, The Woodlands, The woodlands, spring, north houston,con)
KiSS Me I'LL KiSS YoU BacK»-★» I Do WhAt MoSt DoN'T»-★» - 24
(Houston, N 45 & Beltway 8 1960 Houston Spring)
I LOVE DIRTY WHITE BOYS, just turned 18 ebony treat northside special 832 2584101 - 18
(Houston, north houston)
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
❤❤❤• I give great bee bee jay. Smoking Hot CARIBBEAN Beauty 100 Out-Calls full hour❤❤❤ - 19
(Houston, Galleria area 290/610 Incall/Outcall)
▐▐▐ ▃ HOTELS-RESIDENCE ▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃ALL Night PLay ▐▐ — KAMMIE 214-454-8960 — ▐▐▐ ▃ CALL ME▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ - 29
(The Woodlands, Galleria Downtown Woodlands Heights)
▐▐▐ ▃ HOTELS-RESIDENCE ▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃AL Night PLay▃▐▐▐ — KAMMIE (832) 786-9639 — ▐▐▐ ▃ CALL ME▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ - 29
(Houston, Galleria Downtown Woodlands Heights)
***HMU if u want a ***FAT AZZ CHICK*** check out my PIX n hit me up im ready - 28
(Houston, westchase Texas southwest area)
..... .. HEY COWBOY .... theres a NEW FiLLy. in town ........ so GiDDy up & get over here/ 1488 - 28
(Houston, woodlands lake conroe magnolia (45n 1488)
*** *** FRISKY *** DELICIOUS ** VIXEN *** ( i WILL Exceed YOUR Expectations ) - 25
(Galleria & All Areas- Hotels/Residence)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
*•EXTREMLY BUSTY •*♡ 【1OO%REAL 】【Small Waist 】 【Girl Next Door】 【★•°o°•★ LAURA★•°o°•★】 * - 24
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
***** F R i d A y _____N i GH t _______ F r E a K ***** AVAILABLE ALL NIGHT - 23
(290 and beltway 8)
EXOTIC mixed (Ebony) PLAYMATE!!! Hottest n The City// in & outcalls - 21
(Houston, 45 north/1960/WOODLANDS/BUSH/JFK)
~*~ DeFiNaTLeY HaVe To Put Me On YOUR TO-DO LIST!! (: ~*~ Ready & Waiting For U!! ~*~ - 25
DesseRT Is SErvEd ** GERMAN & JaMaCian Mix^°^ JUIcY So SweeT • jUsT likE SuGaR ^°^ WAnT a BITE - 18
(Houston, Incall Spec. ---- Outcalls Where Ever)
____ DOMINICAN & ASIAN BUSTY ______ ______ VERONICA VIXEN _____ Outcalls everywhere - 24
💰💋💎dimond💋💰💎😘💋you💋have 💎to💰 Come💋back 😍for❤️more❤️💋💰💎😘👯💖💖💖 - 21
(Houston, Outcall Spring Bush IAH Humble Woodland)
--- >>> --- >>> DESTINY 713-423-4518 .... ALL NATURAL BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BRUNETTE - !!!
~*~ ---------- ~*~ CUDDLE UP WITH A REAL CUTIE ~*~ ---------- ~*~ - 21
(Spring, Katy, Woodlands, Galleria Area)
CoMe PlAy WiTh A FuN MaTuRe LaDy NeW PiCs No GaMeS Or DrAmA G F E FuN ToYs - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
💎💋💎 🌹 ▬▬ 🌹 CLEAN AND COZY 🌹 ▬▬ 🌹🌹 ▬▬ 🌹 ASIAN AND LATINA 🌹 ▬▬ 🌹 💎💋💎 - 22
(City of Houston, 2900 Hillcroft Ave., Houston)
CALL ME NOW!! Sexy blonde waiting to give u something to look foward too!! New location!! Available now! - 24
(Houston, SW/Houston/incall)
_ _ _ _ _ BrEaTh-TaKiNg _ BrUnNEtTe - BeAuTYy _ ON _ dUtY aNd AVAILABLE _ 24/7 _ _ _ _ _ - 24
(N. Houston & All Surrounding Areas)
× B@D G!RL§ DO !T B€TT€R! ...S0 BaD I M@Y N€€D A §PANKING! ☆ ★ LAST Day §P€C!ÅL§ - - 23
(Houston, Humble near IAH JFK Blvd/ I59/8 Beltway)
Ask * About * Special ____ Seductive____ Beautiful ___ Classy ____ Private INCALL / OUTCALL - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
>>Classy, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Brunette .. I'm Ur Friday Nite Fun!!!
(woodlands, conroe (north), spring)
╚»> ▓ ▒ CuTiE¡! BiG bOoTy! ▒ ▓PuErToricaN &Asian; BomBsHeLL! ▓ ▒ 50** Special! *•. . ▒ ▓CαLL now! - 19
(Houston, I-45 south/hobby airport area/houston,tx)
>>>>>> *** ALL AMERICAN SWEETHEART .... 36 D(Natural)- 24- with 36' HIPS With Pretty Pink Lips :)
>>>>> * ALL AMERICAN GREEN EYED BOMBSHELL .. 36D- 24- 36 ..... INTERESTED? Cliiiiiick Here *
______ ______ ______ ♥ __ (( ALL ___ AMERICAN ___ BLoNDE )) __ ♥ ______ ______ ______ - 24
(Houston, Galleria Seawall Midtown Woodlands)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/ SuRr ArEas_♥_)
Absolutely 💯% Every picture Every angle Every Ãd SAME Girl👍Yep its 💯% true🍭 Ask about my SpeciaLs! 💋 - 29
(Houston, Houston, 45N 1960 Woodlands Galleria IAH)
All american blue eyed beautiful sexy and open minded - 20
(Katy sugarland Pearland Clearlake woodlands Kingwood spring)
(¯`•♥•´¯) A_M_A_Z_I_N_G •♥• P_E_T_I_T_E •♥• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•♥•´¯) _ -O_U_T_C_A_L_L - - 20
$99 InCaLL SPECIaLS -->BlaZinG HoTT BruNeTTe BoMBShELL!!!!!
(InCalls (Bush /IAH) & OutCalls ALL HOU.)
80$$.🍑Wild Wednesday 🍑 Relaxation Specialist🍒Holiday Special🍯 805-399-0259 - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS and INCALL 805-399-0259)
36 DD Busty •★• BRUNETTE •★• :: BEAUTIFUL ××x SKiLLED ××× PLAYmate :: •★• Specials •★• 281 402 1292 - 26
(Houston, 2GIRL Special - Late Night - ALL Areas)
$120 incalls *******AFTER THE GAME SPECIALS ****** Sisters Amy and Emily - 21
(Beltway 8 and Westheimer)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
HOUSTON ESCORT Petite 5'6 120lbs Blond Hair Blue Eyes ((( MEGAN ))) - 20
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Li♏it€d N@ughti €ditioN ═💞━ BuSty━Pink & Tight💞════ Ready 2 Play══💞 ╔ ║═💞OutCall Sp€ciAls══💞━ - 38
(Houston, 🍬Outcalls Hotel &Residential; Friendly🍬)
~~~~~ GORGEOUS ~BrUNettE~ $150 SPECIALS~ It DoesNt Get AnY HottEr!! ~ AvailABLe NoW!!!!!!!! - 21
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Fri 10 Jan
let's have us some private time - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston Outcalls, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
BUSTY 36D All Natural 💋💋 Plump Round A.S.S 💋💋 Unforgettable 💋💋 Roxie - 23
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
#1 SATISFACTION *¨¨* S*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* (281)698 0928 ( LATE NIGHT ) - 26
(Houston, Galleria Woodlands Spring Cypress Katy)
>>>> BLazing Hot Brunette Bombshell / I wanna EXXXPLODE all over YOU! / AVAILABLE NOW!
(houston and surrounding areas)
LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» TiGhT & WeT PoRnStAr ! »» SuPeR SlUtY !! »» 100/60 MiN - 25
(IN-45 SoUtH/HoBbY *LaSt DaY*)
DON'T SETTLE FOR THE GIRL NEXT STORE ** Come Play With An Elite Brunette Vixen ** NEW Pics & Reviews - 23
•••••»»» JENNY LYNN (832)5734587 •••••»»» TEXAS SWEETHEART 36dd • OUTCALL SPECIALS !! - 26
Thu 09 Jan
*BODY* ____ *OF* ___ *A* ___ *GODDESS* ____ *FACE* ___ *OF* _____ *AN* ____ *ANGEL* - 24
(Houston, woodlands kingwood spring heights)
💞Limited Edition💞Beautiful face 💕💋💕Beautiful body💖💕Amazing personality💖💘💋 - 25
(Houston, The Woodlands, woodlands Conroe spring)
I am the Girl Next Door, Petite 5'6 120lbs Blond Hair Blue Eyes ((( MEGAN ))) 713-491-6277 - 20
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
** ___ NeW ___ ** ____ ** WaNNa x X x pLaY **_____ ** ___ PiCs ___ ** THUR$day $eductions ** - 27
(northwest 290 n Hollister in,all houston)
B—e— A—u—T—i—F—u—L ♡DσNт Mιδδ Oυт🔥 💎✨sExY💕👑🐝💯%R⃣E⃣A⃣L⃣★😈👅💦 SwⓔⓔT& ⓚⓘⓝⓚⓨ - 32
(45 North The Woodlands Spring Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands)
Wed 08 Jan
Hot Juicy Spicy Banging Body Brunnette Beauty: GFE exp./New Pics/ Sample Specials/ Great Rates/ - 24
Breast Lovers Click Here Ebony Doll Big Soft Hooters 100 N Up Outcall - 25
(Houston, Houston ---- READY NOW!!!)
* GORGEOUS * ____ * iRReSiStAbLe * ____ * SeXy * ____ * YOUNG * ____ * HoTTie * - 20
(59Fwy & Kirkwood Dr. Sugarland/Stanfford)
Tue 07 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
... 5'10 160 sLiM n tha WaiSt PuRttY n tha FaCe.. tHiCK n tha RiGHt pLaCe PLeAsUrE at its best !! - 28
(59s beltway hobby outcalls all over)
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE BETTY!!***The True Girl Next Door*****WANNA PLAY?***713-340-4112 - 36
(Beaumont, Beaumont/Pt Arthur, City of Houston, College Station, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston, TX ( 1960 &45 ALL OVER), Huntsville, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlan)
💋N•A•U•G•H•T•Y💋 —— 💋B•E•A•U•T•Y 💋 @ vegasgurl 2014.callgirlfiles 💋.Com - 29
(Houston, Houston, 45N 1960 Woodlands Galleria Bus)
* j_U_s_T *)...(* w_H_a_t *)......(* Y_o_U *).......(* w_A_n_T *)... HOT *PETITE * SEXXY & READY !!! - 26
(In 1960/Out all over)
🍌🍦 NeW💗 PUMPKIN LOVE 💁🏼✨VaNiLlA🍦🍌 FlavOred🐰 Sweetness 💗✨💫🍒 Upscale 🍒💗💗 PLAYMATE✨ - - 27
(Houston, The Woodlands, your place or mine The Woodlands Spring)
Mon 06 Jan