Mon 27 Jan
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 281-507-2008 ------- MILF - 36
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (S)(u)(P)(e)(R) (-S-w-E-e-T-) ° ° (C)(u)(T)(i)(E) - 28
(all over houston)
HoT KiTTY ON ThE LooSE **NeW ArOuNd HeRe**I NeeD To Be BrOke In - 21
(BeltWay 8- 59 South Southwest)
FuN MaTuRe LaDy NeW PiCs No GaMeS Or DrAmA G F E FuN ToYs - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
-:¦:- ECCIE Reviewed .-:¦:- CHaRmInG BruNETTE °° .-:¦:- SeXxXi M$. BeNtLeY - 21
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
* ♥ * DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- >>> {{ THE PERFECT BLONDE}} * ♥ * DOnT MiSS OuT - 20
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * * Up LaTe nITE ReAdY fOr yOu! ! WeT StIcKy fUn !( tHaT,s ME) ! ! - 22
Daddy's Little Girl All Grown Up~ UpScale Mature GentleMen Only - 19
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy.. SaTuRdaY, ReLaXaTiOn & StReSs FrEe FuN wiTh Me?? I'm YoUr #1SeXiEsT PROVIDER - 22
D B@DDEST eBONYs©Innamon & specials running now incalls & out calls - 21
(Houston, relaint stadium area kirby)
CoMe PlAy WiTh A FuN MaTuRe LaDy NeW PiCs No GaMeS Or DrAmA G F E FuN ToYs - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
>>>>>>> Very Sexual, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Brunette Spinner... Ready To Rock Your Nite!!!***
(Houston, Spring, Woodlands & Conroe)
>>Classy, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Brunette .. I'm Ur Friday Nite Fun!!!
(woodlands, conroe (north), spring)
Angel Kisses (GFE) looking for one good Man to please Monday Night!!!! Outcall Only!!! - 21
(Outcalls all of Houston)
>>> Very Sexual, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Brunette .. I'm Ur Sexy Spinner, Lets's ROCK!!
(woodlands, conroe (north), spring)
_____________ ______ __________ __ AMAZING 15O ASSETS__ __________ ___________ ______________ - 29
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 26
(♥ Houston/ALL surr areas ♥)
***** ABSOLUTELY HOT Brunette Bombshell! * The ULTIMATE E Companion ! ***** - 25
(Houston and Surrounding Areas!)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/SuRr ArEaS _♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston In's & Out's ♥)
Addicted to love or looking for lust... Your choice Houston - Feb.21st-23rd ONLY! - 24
(Near the Galleria Mall)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN SeXxXy BLoNdE)) =_♥_= (( WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston ALL surr areas ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/ SuRr ArEas_♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
70.~*~* Steamin Hot N Ready To PLEASE *~*~ All Inclusive *~*~ 70 Roses specials - 18
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * (*WeLL ((ReViEwEd)) BLoNdE*) - 25
(Houston In's & Out's)
Sun 12 Jan
☆ __ GrEaT ReViEwS ( *Hot BLoNDe* ) __ ♥ __ ExTrA NaUgHtY __ ( *1OO% REAL* ) __ ☆ - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
Sat 11 Jan
In call n out ca REVIEWED make 😍your next move👣 be your best move👣 hot brunette 💗ready to play🐰 - 25
(45 n 1960 Spring woodlands conroe, City of Houston, Houston)
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (S)(u)(P)(e)(R) (-S-w-E-e-T-) ° ° (C)(u)(T)(i)(E) - 25
(45 South/Hobby Airport)
◇◇---◇◇HOTTBodY ❥❥-❥❥ SUPER --N-A-U-G-H-T-Y ❥❥-❥❥-sexy-❥❥-❥❥ Blonde◇◇---◇◇ - 20
(Houston, N Houston in and out calls, The Woodlands)
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_(rE)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(☆ Houston/all surr areas ☆)
Baby ... "Let's do something!!! -- $60 , You have been wanting to do" - 39
(Houston, 45 South-- Exit # 30 (Ellington Field))
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_r(E)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
Fri 10 Jan
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
Busty*** BRAZILIAN **** Bombshell !!! Big Brazilian Booty !!! - 25
(Houston, Reliant Area ( 610 @ Kirby ))
!!!! MONDAY SPECIAL !!!!!! Get your piece of this Sweet & Sexy Girl Next Door!!!! Outcall Only!!!
(Outcalls ALL of Houston)
CoMe PlAy WiTh A FuN MaTuRe LaDy NeW PiCs No GaMeS Or DrAmA G F E FuN - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
Thu 09 Jan
BeST oF BoTH WoRLDs LaTiNa&ItAliAn; * _ 2 GIRL SPeCiaLS 100% ReaL - 24
50 Special* GFE*Multiples* Fantasy* Just For You..100.SUPER & Ready Become A Regular
(249 and antoine)
BruneTTe BomBsheLL In YoUr townFoR a ShOrT Time don't miss out!!!!!!!!!!!! - 21
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL ReViEwEd BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/ALL surr areas)
Wed 08 Jan
=== === 5'9" 135lbs. Exotic Cutie === === "MAKE ME COME TO U" === ===
(Incalls: SW/ Outcalls: Your Place)
Tue 07 Jan
Interested In Spending Time With Mikki Fine?Incall Only.Close to 290/Hwy6 - 42
(290/Hwy6 Incall only.77095)
Mon 06 Jan
MaTuRe LaDy ShErRi SaTuRdAy SpEcIaL WeLl ReViEwEd No HuRrY No WoRrIeS - 39
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
60*** Miss Me???? Well Mia Rae is back ... Having Specials !!!!!!!!! 60*** InCall - 21
(Old Spanish Trail/ Fannin.)
CARMELLA~~~~ COME BE A KING~~ S p e c i a ls A l l NIGHT 2 *8 *1 *7 *4* 0* 9* 0* 6 *7 yes - 21
(45 North / BELTWAY 8 / near the airport)
❤️ ▃▃▃Anna▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Sexy ▃▃▃▃Playmate▃▃▃▃▃ ♚♚♚♚ ▃▃▃exotic▃▃▃▃▃▃ incall/incall ▃▃▃▃▃tonight▃▃▃▃ ❤️ - 21
(Houston, N Houston in and out calls, The Woodlands)
Sun 05 Jan
It'S A NeW YeAr CoMe MaKe A NeW FrIeNd MaTuRe WaRm G F E LoTs Of AfFeCtIoN - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
Sat 04 Jan
In call call REVIEWED make 😍your next move👣 be your best move👣 hot brunette 💗ready to play🐰 - 25
(45 n 1960 Spring woodlands conroe, City of Houston, Houston)
* * *EaST HouSToN * * * TOD@Y ONLY * * * SouTh3RN * * * CauCaS!aN * * *BooTY * * * N3W P!CS * * * - 25
150 Qk incall special spend your time with a Sexy Slim Red Head Snowbunny😍😘 - 20
(The Woodlands, 45&Rankin;,1960,spring,hou,woodlands,tom)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL (ReViEwEd) BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/All surr areas)
* ❤.* L✪ ✪K * •♥• JuMP*•.IN*❤♥ •U♥• WNt♥DRW✪N! 50 50 50 50" 50 50 50 - 22
(Houston, Airport blvd/ Hobby)
☆ __ GrEaT ReViEwS ( *Hot BLoNDe* ) ♥ __ ExTrA NaUgHtY __ ( *1OO% REAL* ) __ ☆ - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
★ _ 0O0_ Sp3ciaL _ S3XY _&_R3ADY _ !!!_ HOTT _and _ PLEASInG _ R3AL ___ PiCs__ - - 20
Fri 03 Jan
MILF --- 832-272-5454 --- 2 hot, & sexy "Genies in a bottle" to grant you 3 wishes! Call ----- MILF - 37