Mon 27 Jan
HO T _ N A T U R E D... T R U LY _ A D D I C T I V E... M A D E _ F O R _ Y O U R _ P L E A S U R E! - 21
(290 @ Fairbanks... Near Beltway8)
♡♥*High DEFinition ENTERTAINMENT*♥♡ @ FINEST♥QUALITY ♡♥*In Calls*♥♡ - 26
(Houston, NW(290)1960@249(williowbrook) beltway8)
♥*High DEFinition*♥ **high-quality** ♥Rare Specialty♥ - 26
(Houston, NW(290)1960@249(williowbrook) beltway8)
G o r g e o u s - Independent Upscale Exotic Latina With Discreet Location & Well Reviewed 6OSpcl) - 21
(Houston, [NORTHWEST 290 && BElTWAY8 && 61O])
Double Your Pleasure/Double Your Fun 2 Petite Treats Or Just Pick One💋💋 **100 INCALL Special** - 20
(Houston, Outcall: i10 610 45 59 290 1960 Beltway8)
*♥*DELICIOUSLY SATISFYING till the Last Drop*♥* ♥♥IN Call / OUT Call ♥♥ !!specials!! - 26
(Houston, NW(290)Fm1960(249wilbrook)beltway8/)
Am@Z!Ngl¥ G!Ft€D 👅 C0m£ S€€ ME 😉 60/QV 💑 80/HH 💃 120/HR 💏 Th!cK N CuRv¥ #TsuNami 🌊 Al€rT ☔ 36DD - 28
(290/Northwest/Tidwell/Beltway8, City of Houston, Houston)
❤ (( Absolutely GORGEOUS LATINA )) ❤ (( Amanzing Body )) ❤ (( Sexy & Seductive )) ❤ - 22
💋💋💋 832-869-7151 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋Petite Asian Hot Girl 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 Incalls - 22
(290-Hollister/beltway8/Northwest/610, City of Houston, Houston)
**70**SPL!! 100% REAL Exotic Petite Tantalizing Touch - 27
(Houston, beltway8 &westheimer; hwy6 sugarland 290)
🆕(60/30min)(moved•290) ░░ Yes 80 Twice! ░░ ❎ 👒🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ BiG BOOTY Redbone - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
$60 special BUt A☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬▬▬★★ ▬▬▬Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SKiLLS ▬▬▬ ★★ [×❤×] MESMERiZiN - 24
(Houston, 290, hollister, 45, beltway8, 610, 59)
$50 special BUt A☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬▬▬★★ ▬▬▬Y♥U WILL L♥VE MY SKiLLS ▬▬▬ ★★ [×❤×] MESMERiZiN - 24
(Houston, 45, 1960, beltway8, 610, 290, 59)
1night only 2 for one amazing dominate girls$$$$$$😳💙♥!!!《》《》《》《》 - 20
(Houston, beltway8 clay road 290 i10)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
daddy can i s*ck your schlong then swallow your JIZZMM..incall specials.... - 25
(290 west and the BELTWAY8!!!!!!...)
WhiteGirl💄R-U-🆙 🔥b⊙⊙bies 🍦 B🍎🍎ty🔛🔥📱409- 665- 0440 🆙-NOW & L👀K🆖 4 a FUN ⏰hablo espanol - 26
(290/610/galleria/beltway8/tidwell/Bungle, City of Houston, Houston)
$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100————— ***(O_U_T_ C_A_L_L)*** ————— $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 - 21
(Houston, i45/290/610/ i10/ 59/ Beltway8/$100$)
Fri 10 Jan
100NAUGHTY SPECIALS*_100* YoUnG SeXy WeT ☆ ·..·´¯ &REaDy; ☆ ;· ¯ HaVe iT100 Stars /G/F/E/ - 20
Thu 09 Jan
eArLy BiRd gEtS the wOrM/ 36iN OF mAss DIsTRUcTION!!! - 22
(Houston, woodlands,1960, beltway8,some of 610&290)
80/30 (AVAIL ALL NOW!)The G o r g e o u s Independent - UpScale Latina You Been Looking For - 22
(Houston, NORTHWEST 290 & beltway8 (SPECIAL))
Wed 08 Jan
:* ☆ ¨*: @LL NiGhT __ Thick __ Soft__ Ready 4 U__ 60 special :* ☆ ¨*: - 26
(290/between beltway8 & 610)
Tue 07 Jan
M a y _ I _ H a v e _ A _ S p e c i a l _ M o m e n t _ W i t h _ Y o u ?? _ XOXOXO _ XOXOXO!! - 21
(290 @ Fairbanks... Near 610 & Beltway8)
Mon 06 Jan
60/15mns♡[●● CALL NOW●●]♡ ■ Sexy Latina AVAILABLE NOW■ (80/30mn) ♡ INDEPENDENT & DISCREET■ (120/hr) - 22
(Houston, N O R T H W E S T ●● 290●●BELTWAY8)
It's Now Or NEVER==» $100 OutCall SpeCiaL «== Here Less Than 4 Hours - 18
(Houston, 290 & 34/Beltway8/Galleria/ I-10/Spring)
Iresistible Specials!! 💯✔2 Girl ✔2Hr+✔Sweet Smile 💄Captivating Eyes💫 Enticing Beauty 🎀 - 21
(Houston, Outcall 45 Beltway8 59 290 249 1960 610)
♥*CARAMEL Wishes ♥♥ HAZELnutt Creams *♥ Early Bird*♥ **special** ♥/60/ 75/♥ - 26
(Houston, NW(290)Fm1960(249wilbrook)beltway8/)
Sun 05 Jan
*[•★•]•B R I C K H O U S E ★ ReAdy 2 P L A Y•$60/80 /100•ALL XXCESS BiG BOOTY *[•★ •] AVAIL 24hrs - 26
(Houston, 290@Fairbanks Via Beltway8 (Northwest))
🆕(60/30min)(Moved•290) ░░ BiG Boot¥💦🐱░░ ❎hat🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ M👄uth Therapy - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
** Heavenly Sky ** Houstons Finest BBW >>Da >Be$t> >Alive $50 specials>> all day long
(Exotic Brunette BBW VIXEN!) ____ ------- * hOTTiE * _____ [ AMAZING .FUN... ] - 26
(Descreet INCALL/290 Beltway8)
Erotic & Exotic busty Ebonys Available! Call Now OUTCALL only! - 21
(Houston, 1960/45 nw houston/katy/290/beltway8)
2girl (100qv)(moved•290) ░░ 2 Pretty Bbws ░░ $|○p🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ BiG BOOTY ░░ 2girl shows - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
Sat 04 Jan
*NEW* (60/30min)(New●290) ░░ 80 Twice! ░░ Natural🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ BiG BOOTY ░░ Fetish finale - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, In,290,beltway8,JerseyVillage/ Out 200hr)
!!!!!!»»»New Exotic Mixed Sexy Freaky woman!!!! 36D breast!! 60 rose special!!!«««« - 28
(Houston, 290 & hollister/ 290 & 610/I-10/beltway8)
bRand NeW **SPECIALSSS80! gORgEouS BaByDoll, HeAvenly BodY :) - 19
(Houston, 1960/290/beltway8/jersey village)
🆕(60/30min)(New●290) ░░ Yes 80 Twice! ░░ ❎ 👒🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ BiG BOOTY Bbw - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, In,290,beltway8,JerseyVillage/ Out 200hr)
60/30mn Beautiful Latina (I N D E P E N E N T & DISCREET) w. Amazing Body With Discreet InCall - 22
(Houston, Beltway8/ 290)
Fri 03 Jan
(60/30min)(Moved•290) ░░ BiG Boot¥💦🐱░░ ❎hat🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ M👄uth Therapy - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
*HAZELicious HIGH def*♥Quality Care♥Speciality *(sunday* SURPRISES - 26
(Houston, NW(290)1960@249(williowbrook) beltway8)
🎩Gentleman's Choice🌴Exotic Beauty 🌺Ebony Treat 🎁2grl Special 🎀OutCall 🚕 - 20
(Houston, Outcall 59 45 beltway8 290 1960 Galleria)
❤️Early Bird 100 Incall Special💋Sweet Smile 💄Captivating Eyes💫 Enticing Beauty 🎀All for You😘 - 21
(Houston, Outcall 45 BELTWAY8 59 290 249 1960 610)
Thu 02 Jan