Mon 27 Jan
LUXURIOUS 38DDS wide BOOTY WITH the BEST DYNAMITE sklls ((sexy tasty ebony delight)) $75/$100 In/Out - 26
(Houston, 59/SouthWest Freeway Incall=Outcalls)
Kiss Me An I Kiss Back! 36DD Bootylicious brunette - 26
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Incalls/Outcalls)
Kissable lips♡Big Boobs♡Soft Skin! - 28
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Houston INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
Its Fun Friday -- Your Gorgeous -- Petite -- Caramel Freak ... Your Little Secret!!! - 20
(Houston, Southwest incalls / Anywhere Outcalls)
🐰👯👯Its Crystal and im ready just to be NASTY👯👯🐰 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest Houston/ Outcalls)
I'm Leaving come get a DOSE OF SaSha Fierce Sunday NFL Pre Post After GaME Specials - 26
*~* InCallS & OuTCallS RiTe NoW*~* SeXy SNOWBUNNY *** Beautiful Blonde PlayMate *****ReAdY 4 U!!! - 27
🌟 I thought I told ya, I'ma star 🌟 - 30
(City of Houston, Houston, West Chase Katy Southwest Outcalls)
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
*!* HoT CaLi PuErTo RiCaN MaMi & WhItE BoMbShElL *!* - 20
(Houston, Southwest Fwy Incalls & Outcalls)
hot chocolate bootylicious mia $55 special non rush sessions - 38
(Houston Southwest, stafford sw houston outcalls)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
!~!~! EXOTIC EARLY BIRD GOLDEN D*I*P* DELIGHT !~!~! ===== in need & want to be pleased (($60Specls)) - 28
(Houston Southwest, (59)SouthWest@Beltway8(Incalls&Outcalls;))
Double The Pleasure, Double The Fun Sexy Blonde & Exotic latina - 20
(Houston, 59s,galleria,hobby,southwest outcalls)
DARK AND LOVELY LITERALLYcome get you some SouthWest Houston‼️SMOKIN' HoT 💯 EXotIC [✔]🌟 😻🏩 😍 💯 - 22
(Houston, Incalls Outcalls southwest houston)
Courageous, Curvaceous & Cute ..latenight $60 Outcall $pecials"....Im Available "832-410-6244" - 26
Come Treat Yourself To Something Sweet ****$$$$**** Don't Cheat Yourself Of Having The Best ****$$$$ - 24
(Houston, Southwest Area (Incalls & OutCalls))
*@*CO~CO BROWN S* L*U*T*T~{{$50L ate Night Cuddle Up Action $50}}~CO~CO BR OWN S*L*U*T*T* @* - 26
(Houston, *59~SouthWest@KIRBY~(Incall&Outcalls;))
*@*CO~CO * BROWN * 38DDS * FREAK(($50 Thursday Treats $50))CO~CO * BROWN * 38DDS * FREAK*@* - 26
(Houston, ~59~SouthWest Freeway~Incalls/Outcalls)
*@* CO~CO * BROWN * ROUND * N**I**P // **P**L**E**S * 38DDS * FREAK Thursday Treats $50/Specls - 26
(Houston, ~59~SouthWest Freeway~Incalls/Outcalls)
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
*@*CO~CO * BROWN * 38DDS * FREAK(($60 All Star Status $60))CO~CO * BROWN * 38DDS * FREAK*@* - 26
(Houston, ~59~SouthWest@Beltway~8~Incalls/Outcalls)
click me!..60 Roses 30 mins incall outcall start at 100... 8328000840 - 23
(Houston, sw houston bissonnet @ kirkwood)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
Call Anytime !♥59 SOUTHWEST / SUGARLAND♥ {💎} Ms.Tiffany Dymond {💎} Puerto Rican Cutie》Amazing Body - 20
(Houston, 59 Southwest / INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
C:a:L:i --- G:i:R:l --- R:e:A:d:Y--- 2--- E:x:P:L:O:R:E. ---Ask About 2 Girl Special - 22
(Houston, West chase)
++ BUST * it * WIDE * open ++++$50/ TOP-NOTCH THURSDAY EBONY FREAK\$50 ++++BUST * it * WIDE * open * - 26
(Houston, ~59)SouthWest@BeltWay-8~Incalls/Outcalls)
~*~BUST=IT=WIDE =OPEN~{{$50Late Night Ebony Dyme Piece $50}}~BUS T=IT=WIDE=OPEN *~* - 26
(Houston, *59~SouthWest@KIRBY~(Incall&Outcalls;))
~AMAZiNG~ (PUERTO RICAN oN NORTHWEST) • (BuBBLe BooTy) • (NiCe SoFT 34C) =Small Waist & Round BooTy - 20
(Houston, FM 1960 • Willobrook • 249 • Belt 8)
☎♥★*$*★♥☏ AmAZinG SKillS *** HiGhLY ADDicTiVe *** 2 GIRL SHOWS ☎♥★*$*★♥☏ - 23
(Houston, Southwest, Beltway, Westheime, Outcalls)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston!*)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston*)
_____ AbOvE & BeYoNd ThE ReSt!! I'M DeFiNaTlEy ThE BEST!!! _____ CuM & FiNd OuT wHy!!!(: _____ - 25
(ALL OVER HOUSTON!!! 24/7!!! CALL ME!!!)
•••=A_S_i_A_N= ____=G_i _ R_ L_ S=. ____.=D_O_=_ i_ T= ____ =B_E_T_T_E_ R = ••• - 24
(Houston, incalls and outcalls southwest)
➡$8O⬅💦💦RAiNY DAY SPECiAL💦💦❤I-10/Hwy 6/Southwest/Westheimer❤ - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Richmond ave./ Westpark / Dairy Ashford)
$80/30minS BiG BOOTY GiRl In HouStOn DoInG OuTcAllS EvErYwHeRe 24/7 - 22
$80/30 mins specialS BIg BOOtY LovErs doIng OuTCALlS EvErYWHeRe - 22
(Houston, Houston Outcalls only)
99.99 Two GirLs Sinfully Seductive *☆* Dangerously ADDICTING *☆* SpEcIaLs NoW!! - 25
(Houston, incalls-outcalls/southwest)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $80 outcalls ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️$100 outcalls ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $160outcalls ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 20
(Houston, Outcalls galleria southwest)
****-*$80/100 special (big booty) sexy doll (305 209 4821)********* - 20
(Houston, Galleria / Southwest (outcalls))
👑 ✨ 80 ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ! ° 💋 (㏂ or ㏘! ) 👑🍭 BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩💎💕 #1 JUST A FEW DAYS - 22
(Houston, ☆★☆ Southwest in/Outcalls All Areas★☆★)
$80 hh speCials$ BiG bOOtY lOvErZ ComE N pOp mY ChErrY$$$all NigHt - 22
(Houston, sw 59 bltwy 8 highway 6 Outcalls only)
$80 /30min speCials$ BiG bOOtY lOvErZ ComE aNd tRy mE....DoiNg OutCaLlS - 22
4`11 / 123 lbs fun size with a nice round bubble booty - 19
(Houston, southwest area+HOUSTON OUTCALLS)
2 Latinas "Mucho Calientente" 1 Peurto Rican & 1 Panamanian (HABLA ESPANOL) - 19
(Houston, Galleria/290 West/Downtown/610 Reliant)
100hr incall BLACK AND BEAUTIFULL♥_= C_A_T_C_H ( ME ) W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥ OUTCALLS 160 - 22
(Houston, incall outcalls southwest houston)
100%N*A*U*G*H*T *Y & NASTY Ebon y ****(Thursday $50 Specials)* *** 100%N*A*U*G *H*TY & NASTY Ebony - 25
(Houston, ***59/SouthWest Frwy**(Incalls&Outcalls;))
100, 80, 60 Specials All Day Incall ***$$$*** Come Relax & Unwind ***$$$*** Friday Specials - 24
(Houston, (Southwest Incalls) (All Over Outcalls))
100% PURE ★ CURVY ★ SEXY ★ EBONY PLAYMATE ____ $50Spcls 2DAY ____ Pick Up The Phone Hunny!!!!!! - 26
(Houston, 59*SOUTHWEST@KIRBY-GALLERIA In/Outcalls)
😆💋💖👑🎉🍒👍GRADE A☆♡TOP CHOICE👍🍒🎉👑 💖💋😆 - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Woodlands, Spring, Airport, 45 N, 59 N)
Clearlake 😘💘💘💘💋💋💋AWESUM CURVY & FIT HOTTIE for the most relaxing time! OUTCallS! 💜 💜 💕💕💕😘 - 25
Sun 12 Jan
~*~*~MIZZ * HON EY * DIP~*~*((( $65-LATE NIGHT PASSION-$65)))~ *~*~MIZZ * HONE Y * DIP~*~* - 26
(Houston, *59~SouthWest@Beltway~8*Incall&Outcalls;))
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $80 quick outcalls ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $120hh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ $180hr ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 20
(Houston, Outcalls galleria southwest)
Happy Days! want good rates? Want a very busty girl? Need love? SPECIALS - 36
(Houston, north houston, all areas)
GoodMorning guys I'm up and Horny looking to Party and have Fun IN & OUT callS AvaiL now Call me - 28
(Houston, southwest 59 outcalls everywhere)
Come let ⭐STARR👸 share some 🌈JOY👧 in your day. 👭Specials - 24
(Houston Southwest, Outcalls Houston and surrounding)
Sat 11 Jan
$$BiG BOOTY loVerS 100/30mins DoIn OuTcalls EVEryWhere$$ HouStoN tX - 22
(Houston, Houston Outcalls only)
(~(~ $65===LUXuRIO US M*O*N*D*A *Y* Ebony PLaYGIRL SEssIONS in NEED=== $65~)~) - 25
(Houston, ***59/SouthWest Frwy**(Incalls&Outcalls;))
45/15mins $pcls "HOT EXOTIC YOUNG (mixed Asian↗ebony) HOTTIE" - 19
**@**$50-LATE ~NIGHT SEXY THI CK BROWN SUGA=== ======open wide 24hrs======= $50Spcls RUNNING 2nite - 26
(Houston, *59/SouthWest@Beltway/8Incalls&Outcalls;)
Sexy Blonde Bombshell °o★o° TAKE °o★o° YOUR °o★o° BREATH °o★o° AWAY - 21
(Houston, Bush IAH, North Houston)
Gorgoues 🔥HOT🔥 Blonde‼️ ONLY GENTLEMEN‼️Elite Girl - 27
Come Let Naomi Put You To ****$$$$**** Very Experienced ****$$$$**** Grown & Sexy - 24
(Houston, Southwest Area (Incalls & OutCalls))
**100 sPeCiAl NiNa wEt N rEaDy 2 SaTiSfY uR fEtIsHeS n FaNtAsIeS llamame call 832 507 2738 - 19
(southwest houston/ outcalls)
** 1000% REAL ** Dangerous Curves * BOOTY LOVERS * ULTIMATE Experience * - 23
(Houston, Southwest Incall and outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
____ ______ ______ __ * LeT SaNtas (h)ea(d) HeLPeR, hELp YoU *_ ____ ______ _______ ______ ____ - 27
(out//everywhere OR__CuMe cLiMb iN!!)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
LOOK!! Flexible MS. ~~~ 832-315-4952 Sexy MIX.. 60$ Special!! All night - 21
(Houston Southwest, Sw Houston, voss and westhimer, Outcalls)
$80 / 30minS BiG BOOTY GiRl In HouStOn DoInG OuT cAllS EvErYwHeRe$cAll mE - 22
$80 /30min BiG BOOTY GiRl In HouStOn DoInG OuTcAllS EvErYwHeRe - 22
JUST ARRIVED👑💄 Bübbłę Bõõt¥💋💎Ex0tic💎The ABSOLUTE ✔️👑B€ST✨💦Slippery & Tightttt - 22
(Houston, outcalls/southwest/westchase/59&more;)
•✿• •✿• •✿• CLASSY •✿• •✿• •✿• SEXY•✿• •✿••✿• •MIXED •✿• •✿••✿•THE ULTIMATE COMPANION •✿•✿•✿• - 20
(Houston, Incall Southwest Outcalls Everywhere)
*!* B_A_R_B_I_E * : * D_O_L_L *!* (( SUPER SQUIRTER )) I Have What U Need! - 20
100,80,60 Specials All Day Long ***$$$*** We Love What We Do ***$$$*** Experienced No Rush - 19
(Houston, Southwest (Incalls) All Over (Outcalls))
Thu 09 Jan