Mon 27 Jan
Kinky Erotic Playmate Ready To Party And Have An Amazing Time That'll Have You Coming Back For More - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer/ 610 / galleria area Houston)
Jessica Looking For Some Adult Fun Come Get Wat U Not Getting At Home Very Addictive And Freaky - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Incalls&Outcall; 45 & 1960)
~~(J) (A) (Z) (A) (B) (E) (L) (L)~~ ·.¸¸.·´ ·.¸¸.·´¯!!! STUNNING FILIPINO MIX!.¸¸.·´¯ ☆ ·.¸¸ - 20
HOUSTON'S ((TOTAL! PaCKaGe!)) YoUnG ((&)) PETITE! ♥ BLuE- EyEd BLoNdE KNoCK-OuT! ♥ - 21
([[G-a-L-L-e-R-i-A]] incalls&out;!)
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) * *(((FILIPINIA MIX)) * * - 20
(beltway 8/ westhiemer)
HOUSTON'S ((TOTAL! PaCKaGe!)) YoUnG ((&)) PETITE! ♥ BLuE- EyEd BLoNdE KNoCK-OuT! ♥ - 21
(: [[G-a-L-L-e-R-i-A]] incalls&out;!)
Hello guys im new to town always available - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, pasadena Channellview la port Baytown)
hey guys im in town for ALLSTAR WEEKEND ONLY)DONT MIss out On YOUR one and only chance - 20
(Houston, your place)
~ HEY YOU ♥ •••► ☆ YES YOU ♥ •••► ☆ LOOK HERE!! - sexi right 60 SPECIAL - 20
Experience the Difference, *VIP* Exotic Vixen (discreet & professional) - 23
(Houston, Westheimer Incall and Outcall)
~~~~~~~~ Everything UR Looking 4__ R-I-G-H-T _ H-E-R-E _--__ R-I-G-H-T _ N-O-W...!!!!! ~~~~~~~~ - 23
((Westheimer/Beltway 8))
Diamond Looking For Some Adult Fun Come Get Wat U Not Getting At Home Very Addictive And Freaky - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, INCALLS/Outcalls houston 290/610/45)
🍫🍫🍫Chocolate..Mmm.. short big butt hershey kiss....Love having a good time 979_9227741! - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, Hwy 6/ westheimer/ Westchase)
°ஐ *° __B__l__ o__ n__d__e __ B__O__m __ B__S__ h__e__L__L ° ஐ*° - 23
(Galleria Area!!!! VISITING BLONDE BABE!!)
▃ ▆██ ▆ ▃ ▃ ▆ █ ██ ██ ▆ ☆★☆AvaiLable Now ;) ★☆▃ ▆ █ ███ ▅ ▃ ▃ ▆█ ▆ ▅ ▃ Nicole - 23
(Houston, 45N/ 1960/ northside/ 610 /outcalls also)
▃ ▆██ ▆ ▃ ▃ ▆ █ ██ ██ ▆ ☆★☆AlwAyz AvaiLable ;) ★☆▃ ▆ █ ███ ▅ ▃ ▃ ▆█ ▆ ▅ ▃ Nicole - 23
(Houston, 45N/ 1960/ northside/ 610 /outcalls also)
!!!**AND & A %L I T T L E S O M E T H I N G**O N T H E & S I D E& - 21
(288/610 / 59 / beltway8/1960)
Alyssa Shaw..... Petite 32DD Exotic With Green Eyes.... In/Outcall Specials... 24/7 - 22
(Houston, Kty Frwy/Hwy6 Incalls - Houston Outcalls)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston!*)
((AL L A M ERIC A N* - BLONDE* - B A R B IE!)) Visiting *Hot New Pics!* - 21
(*SouthWest Houston*)
::$80 ;: :* GoRgeOuS ** YoUnG ** ExOtIc ** De'LiCiOuS ** CuTiE *::$80;:: - 24
(59/Gessner-Incall 24/7)
★★ 80 specials~~▄▄▄✦ . __ ω_A_Y _____ T_⊙_⊙ _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] __ T_0 __ M_i_s_s - 20
TS TRINA...VISITING FOR A LIMITED TIME!..Gorgeous Face. Amazing Body..OutCall Specials!! - 25
(Houston, Galleria-Westchase Area)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Look! LooK! Stop! New Rush In And Out $60 2PMTILL 6PM ONLY! Special! Dirty Blonde Playmate! - 20 - 20
Fri 10 Jan
Come check mz tasty out Asap!! Stop by for a relief with affordable specials!! $70 for 30 min .. - 20
(Houston, hobby airport Houston TX)
Thu 09 Jan
100+ BIANKACHANEL back and better than ever😈😈 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest area/ Stafford/ beltway 8)
BLACK & CUBAN playmate ... apple booty ... very open-minded ..Click here - 21
(Belliare/59th Incalls''Outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
▂ ▃ ▄▅ █ █ █▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▅ ▄▂ Give Me A Call For real pleasure ((100% real))▂ ▃▄ ▅ █ DAYTIME SpEcIal!!! - 23
(Houston, southwest houston/south/outcalls)
LET == ME -- T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y - - 21
(288/610 / Galleria /1960)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █▒♥♡♥☆☆☆Here to please you... ☆☆☆♥♡♥♡ █▒ AvAilable when you are ;) █ ▒ CaLL NoW!! █▒ █ ▅ ▃ - 23
(Houston, 45N/ 1960/ northside/ 610 /outcalls also)
!! available- Upscale Lady💋Blonde Available♥️♥️enjoy some fun♥️ - 22
(City of Houston, north 249, galleria, mobile)
$70 Specials WoW!! wOw!! WoW!! .'´¯)Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BOOTY ★F33LS EveN Better!!! - 25
Mon 06 Jan
Girl seeking upscale generous gentleman to come play w/ me & my girlfriend w/ no games. - 21
(all of houston, tx)
★ ——— [•★•] LooKS•★• GooD•★• FEElS •💋• EVEN •💋• BETTER [★] BETTeR THAN HER⇧HER⇩ - 26
(Houston, Stafford 59/- oc all areas)
Sun 05 Jan
❤❤❤▃ ▅ ▆ █ █▒ 100% REAL (((LATE NIGHT SPECIALS))) SEXY NEW ItaliAn plAymAte!! █ █▒ ▆ ▅ ▃❤❤❤ - 23
(Houston, Houston, I45 north, FM1960 Airtex, Rakin)
♡♡[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] GodDeSs [☆] - 22
(Houston, 45 N, woodlands, Spring, Humble, Airport)
HOUSTON'S ((TOTAL! PaCKaGe!)) YoUnG ((&)) PETITE! ♥ BLuE- EyEd BLoNdE KNoCK-OuT! ♥ - 21
! 70 KISSES! Busty 38dd's L@tin@"Hot & Erotic" Last Call 4 Alcohol - 23
Sat 04 Jan
CLICK HERE!!! Upscale 19 year old snow bunny . CALL ME 24/7 don't be shy! - 19
New In Town!!! DR!P!NG WT & RADY TO §AT!SF!Y ** LT M TAK YOU 2 PLaSuRE IsLAnD - 22
(Dairy Ashford)
Each of My LIPS Have Been Certified As Objects of PURE PLEASURE - Together They Make a FantasticTEAM - 21
(I-10 & Hwy 6)
Fri 03 Jan
!!!LUNCH**AND & A %L I T T L E S O M E T H I N G**O N T H E & S I D E& - 21
(288/610 / 59 / beltway8/1960)
I'll CaN maKe aLL yoUr pRoblEmS VaNiSh wiTh mY MaGicAL TouCh - 26
(45 s/Clearlake/League city/Texas city /)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ █ █ Here to please you ;) █ █ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ☆☆☆☆☆ **** AvAiLabLe Now ;) ***** ((Call Now))☆☆☆☆ - 23
(Houston, northside // all over houston)
Hey If You're Looking For Wat You Not Gettin At Home Very Freaky Ready For Some Adult Fun - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, Incalls&Outcaall; 45&rankin;)
E_X_P_ L_O_S_ I_V_E __o★o ° _§w _ °o★o° _§xxY_ °o★o° __ P_A_S_ S_I_O_N - - - 23
(★My place or yours)
Thu 02 Jan