Mon 27 Jan
Experience Slim Mixed Naughty And Erotic With Outstanding Skills Looking For Some Adult Fun !!!!!!!! - 24
(Houston, Northwest/Houston(outcalls only))
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █▒ 💋EXOTIC / SOPHISTICATED 🎀 █▒ 💗💗 █▒ 🎀SEXY Y0UNG BOOTY █▒ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 22
(Houston, Northwest Houston/Outcalls Only)
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
Thu 09 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,s Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
Tue 07 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
Mon 06 Jan
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
Fri 03 Jan
Let me make your dreams come tru... Late night outcalls & Incalls - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, North Houston,290, W.34st,woodland)
Thu 02 Jan