Mon 27 Jan
Jus Turned 18!!...(Black / Indian) Stallion...Come and see about me..!!! - 18
(Houston, Hillcroft and Westhiemer)
@@@New sexy asian babe at L'AMOUR steam bath house, come here and enjoy our newbies@@@ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
$$$$New hot Asian girls at L'AMOUR steam bath house, Please come and joy us$$$$ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
Sun 12 Jan
++++Exotic Asian girls at L'AMOUR steam bath house, come enjoy our service+++ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
@@@@LOVELY Asian girls at L'AMOUR steam bath house, come and enjoy the beautiful babe@@@@ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
A SEXXXXXXY HOT STEAM RUB @ Your door call me guanteed hot in call - 37
Sat 11 Jan
~~~~We are beautiful, young and restless at L'AMOUR steam bath house, can't wait to service you~~~~ - 25
(weshtiemer houston)
Thu 09 Jan
@@@New asian gurls intown, young pretty, come visit us@@@LAMOUR' steam hous@@@ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
Tue 07 Jan
ENjoy MY sexxxxxy hands TOUCH THERAPY COME SEE SANDRA!! in call - 38
(City of Houston, Houston, IN CALL GALLERIA WESTHIEMER)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █= ❤ =█ BRAND NEW / LATINA_ASIAN GIRL !!█= ❤ =█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - 21
(Houston, Galleria/Houston)
++++Steamy Girls at L'amour steam bath house, Can't wait to service you++++ - 20
(westhiemer houston)
Fri 03 Jan
@@@Exotic new asian girls at L'AMOUR steam bath house, you can't resit us@@@ - 25
(westhiemer houston)
Thu 02 Jan
██❤L'AMOUR SPA_ SO HOT* BEAUTIFUL* ASIAN*LATINA* V I P services __$40 hr_7134830125 - 23
____We are beautiful, sexy at L"AMOUR steam bath house, you can't find nowhere but us - 25
(westhiemer houston)