Mon 27 Jan
Kinky * Nasty * Caramel * Be auty ((($60FREA KY* FRIDAYS$60) ))Kinky * Nas ty * Caramel * Beauty - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
(((FREAKY & KINKY SATURDAY NITE ===$50===sweet sexy seductive ebony PLAYMATE===Come JOIN ME $50Spcls - 26
(Houston, (45/NORTH@BELTWAY-8) Incalls or Outcalls)
(((FREAKY & KINKY SUNDAY ===$50===sweet sexy seductive ebony PLAYMATE===Come JOIN ME $50Spcls - 26
(Houston, (45/NORTH@BELTWAY-8) Incalls or Outcalls)
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
!~!~!~((((EARLY -BIRD SWEET HON EY-DIP in need of a hot MORNIN G TREAT=== $50Spcls==come & get it - 26
(Houston, **45/North@Beltway/8**incalls=outcalls)
*@*60*JUICY * CURVY * THICK * ROUND *&* BROWN*@*$60* Super * FRIDAY * WeekEnd * FREAK* Specials* - 26
(Houston, ~45*North@Beltway*8~(Incalls&Outcalls;))
Sat 04 Jan
==LUSCIOUS SATURDAY EBONY TREATS==IN need and WANT 2 BE Pleased $50 specials - 26
(Houston, ~45/North@Beltway~8(Incalls&Outcalls;)
Fri 03 Jan
==LUSCIOUS SUNDAY EBONY TREATS==IN need and WANT 2 BE Pleased $50 specials - 26
(Houston, ~45/North@Beltway~8(Incalls&Outcalls;))
Thu 02 Jan