Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Busty REDHEAD .... V.I.S.I.T.I.N.G ...... doing INCALLS ... 100% Fetish friendly ... - 21
(Galleria Incalls)
M e Z M E R I S i N G_ M a G i C a l___T O U C H___BEAUTIFUL _Mixed*Latina _CLASSY Alluring! - 24
(Houston, Galleria Area/Westhiemer&610)
Stressfull Day Got you down?? Come get a wonderful Relaxing MASSAGe from mE!!! - 35
Saturday, A day for You.. a Day for Me!! call me today for a wonderful experience.. - 39
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
Wed 08 Jan
★ DELICIOUS DiRTY BlONdE ★ soO SeXy ★ soO SeDuctive ~ SenSual ★ CAN Be ADDICTING!! ~AVAIL til LATE! - 30
(Houston, galleria area in&out;)
Tue 07 Jan
Dont be tricked into a Scary Massage!! Get a TREAT by getting a MaSSAGE from Me!!!!(New Pics) - 37
BEAUTIFUL ... BLONDE .... SEDUCTRESS ...... only a phone call away ....... - 30
(Houston, Galleria area in/out to all surrounding)
======>> JUiCy - bOoTy _ BlOnDe - BeAuTY _ on _ DuTy & AvAiLaBLe NOW!!!
(In/Out----- GaLLeRia AREA-----In/Out)
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, Reliant area in / OUTCALLS 2)
⎷⎛ NERDY STUDENT ⎷⎛ sh.... I have a SECRET to tell you !! Call me !!! - 19
(private townhouse in complex)
MONSTER BOOBSslide in &out; of my HUGE BOOBS DRAINING all STRESS AWAY explode (twice ) full view b2b
HOT NEW PICS!! 💕 Beautiful EXOTIC Sexy... ROXY!! 💋 Available NOW!! 💎Upscale Suite & HOT Towels!!! 💕 - 20
(Houston, Galleria - WESTPARK)
Mon 06 Jan
New Exotic & adorable ASIAN, Im ready and willing...eager to please! Special RATES all day! - 22
(Houston IN or OUT...Galleria area!)
ErotIc!! SpEcIAL ONe DAy Persian/Latina Bak in HTown 4 ONE day GALLARIA AREA* - 25
(Houston, Gallaria Area Only)
$100/30 min Special SoFt & WeTT + WaRm & JUiCY $100/30min Special - 24
(In/Out----- GaLLeRia AREA-----In/Out)
LEO THE BEST HANDS for Relaxation massage !! ESCORTS, STRIPPERS, COUPLES Welcome ! - 27
(Galleria/Westchase, Galleria)
*KiLLeR HoTT PICS!* ViSiTiNg ShOrT TiMe OnLy! *PerFeCt TiGhT BLoNdE!* - 21
(*(610) *(SaN-FeLiPe)*!)
IN and OUT Thursday Special!!! Angel Kisses wants to please one good man Tonight!!!! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
BEAUTIFUL ... BLONDE .... SEDUCTRESS ...... only a phone call away ....... - 30
(Houston, Galleria area in/out to all surrounding)
Touch is a powerful way to restore calmness, serenity, peace & freedom to u from to toe - 30
(Galleria/behind the mall)
New 50 SPCL《《 BiG MELON 38DD Breast 》》New & Eager ¤ Come get this Phat BoOty 2day_ ALL Races Welcome - 20
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over)
lunch !SpcL! Get the sub session u REALLY want! No d0dging @!!0wed = no more stress! - 19
(Houston, Galleria area IN / Out everywhere)
Leaving Thursday❤Exotic Maddie❤Incall All Day & Night - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Incall & Outcall)
Eva -- Wifey Booty...REDBONE & Fine // STATS: 40DD - 36 - 50...Stallion_ come c my RAINY SPCLS!! - 20
(Houston, Galleria area IN / Out withn 15miles)
🎊Bajan baby! 🎉Come relax with the Island beauty herself 😋💥🌟 110% REAL pics with PROOF!! - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria area, Houston)
Sun 05 Jan
※ LATE NIGHT HYPHE ※ Athalia * 24hrs * kinky encounters - 22
(Galleria/Westchase, westchase/galleria)
™ Eva Da Beast ™ Best Value SPCL! BiG JiGGly BOOTY w/ {HUGE 42DD} private pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over)
EBONY gal MONSTER HUGE 40EEEE BOOBS anything goes SUC^_ING U dry UNLIMTIED 1OO.OO gfe ~ NO rushing
2 bad girlz EvA's & Chyane dirty lil 2grl SpcL Bonaza! All races r welc(_)m tonite only! aVal now - 20
(Houston, Galleria area IN / Out withn 15miles)
---------- $100 --------Special Let Mommy take care of Dadd------ OR-----$200 2 GIRL SPECIAL - 23
It's getting HOT HOT HOT ... so COme in and get a cool refreshing Massage from me!!! - 35
Chocolate Lace...Get a Taste_CHYANE SaiDs YeS YOU CAN!! Wife pRobs STOPS To nTE!! Quck SpEcLs IN/OUT - 19
(Houston, Galleria area IN / Out everywhere)
New EXOTIC FILIPINO Cutie __ 100% Independent __BOOK ME NOW for SPECIAL RATES __ Up late tonight!!! - 23
~* Luxurious Hotel + Firm Juicy DD's + Curvy + XRATED FUN= ME!*~ - 25
(Houston, *Galleria Area* (In/Out)*)
LEAVING TOWN! GORGEOUS exotic mix 46in. Big BOOTY 100%real specials - 26
(Houston, Houston Galleria area in/out)
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, Reliant area In/ OUTCALLS evrywhre)
Celebrate the New Year right with Stunning ……….. CLAUDIA MCPHERSON - 30
(Houston, Galleria area in/out to all surrounding)
Hot Mixed Latina ready to ease your troubles away. *!*!*!* Christina *!*!*!* - 22
(Galleria/Westchase, Galleria)
Sat 04 Jan
___ M O R N I N ___ _5 O_ ___ S P C L ___ - 36
IN and OUTCALLS!!! Sweet Sexy GFE Companion Looking for one good man Today!!! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
Im BaCk ✧ PeTiTe ✧ BLoND ✧ 100 iNcALL SpECiaL ((((100% ActuaL PhotoS)))) - 22
(In.. Galleria Area & Out.. Surrounding)
► BLONDE *GiRL NexT DooR* *LeAViNg SooN HuRRy! *ExXxTreMLy HOT PICS!!
BaDDest BloNde 👱👱 FroM HeAd 👱👱 To FeeT 💋 346321O238 - 20
(610 galleria area in/out, City of Houston, Houston)
Til 1AM ~~~ ★"OnE IN a MiLLION" ★ ~~~ SEXXiEST Brunette 36Ds ~~~ ★ hOt SenSual SaTiSfying! ★ - 30
(Houston, Galleria area---- in / out -----SPecial)
EBONY gal @ MONSTER HUGE BOOBS anything goes hour UNLIMTIED fun !1OO.OO gfe ~ LASTdayNO rushing !
_____ (((((__ EXPERIENCE _ HEAVEN _ in _the _ HEIGHTS __ )))) ___ __ 🏁In & Out CALL 🏁 _ Independent - 40
(Houston, InCall :Heights/ DT /Galleria / OutCall)
Fri 03 Jan
(¯`'.¸ ✦ ¸.'´¯) ° In Houston for Only A Couple Days!! ° (¯`'.¸ ✦ ¸.'´¯) - 25
(Houston, In/Out Galleria/Houston area)
** (( Gorgeous Italian Goddess ))** (( Visiting))** (( Your Newest Temptation )) ** ((Galleria)) ** - 18
💅 B E S T blonde in H O U S T O N 💅 galleria area - 19
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, Reliant in / out 100 roses)
BEAUTIFUL.. BLONDE .SEDUCTRESS ..only a phone call away ......Available now in Houston Galleria area - 30
(City of Houston, Galleria area in/out to all surrounding)
Tired of ordinary?? Come in and have a session with the Goddess of Massage!! - 35
2 girlz ™ Eva Da Beast ™ & Jackie O BiG JiGGly BOOTY w/{HUGE 42DD} 2 Thick Amazons ready 4 action!! - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over)
Thu 02 Jan
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, IN Med center/ out 59,610,i10,katyhw6)
EBONY gal with MONSTER HUGE BOOBS anything goes hour UNLIMTIED fun !! 1OO.OO gfe ~ NO rushing !
❀ BReakFaSt IN beD { DaLLaS giRLs Do iT beTTeR!! } LaST DaY iN ToWN! ❀ - 24
(Galleria / Westheimer Area)