Mon 27 Jan
**:: ::**SEXY Ebony Companiion w/ NaUgHY InN§iOns**:: ::* - 23
(((*-Southwest Houston-*)--INCALLS ONLY)))
EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ! 💋💦 Maya 817*721*9493 - 19
(Baytown, Baytown Tx ( 146 & N. Alexander), Houston)
✨DoUbL€ Th€ TrOuBL€✨🍭 A Sw€€T EboN¥ D€LighT🍭 &🌹 An Exotic MixEd V¡X€n🌹 Specials Specials!!! - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, reliant/medical center/galleria)
{EbOnY}} FrE@K💋B!G boTToM💓 CuRvY BoDy☆ My SkiLLs R @MAzinG!! (OUTCALLS NoW BaBy) - 24
(Houston, Pasadena, 225, Shaver, Beltway8, Hobby,)
EAST HOUSTON-- ------------- BRuNeTTe ------------- __ S T R I P P E R _ PoLe - 25 - 25
(Houston, I10 East, Ship Channel , Channel view)
EaRly MoRniNg Specials •X•—TRŸ M€—•X•—TÕUCH M€—•X•— $50 SpEciAls - 20
(Houston, Southwest Houston Area)
💋💜 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 💕Beautiful Bombshell👩 ➡️SEXY💃👠 👄Your Dirty Little Secret... ;)👅 💋 - 23
(City of Houston, Galleria, Houston)
Dont Miss This"* Oppertunity To Be With The Best!! NEW AND SO SWEET $80 HH INCALLS - 32
(45 South /All Over Houston)
👉👉👉Don't Miss Out 👈👈 New To Houston👅💦 🚫Hot Blonde🚫 100% Me or Its Free✔👅💦 - 24
(City of Houston, Galleria/medical center, Houston)
DON'T MISS OUT🚫❎ Sweet Discreet Treat🌷💄👄 Exotic diva ready to ease you and please you👄💋JADA - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, OUTCALLS ONLY(covering all areas))
{♥} :¨*: {DONT} °o© {BE} °o© {SHY} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} *: {♥} :* - 24
(Houston, Hobby Area *IN & OUT CALLS*)
Don't Delay. Schedule Today. Incall Only. 290/hwy6North. Houston TX 77095 - 43
(290/Hwy6N(Incall Only)77095)
💗 DOMINIaCAN & BLacK Highly Addicting 💉Your Man's Dream💗 Exotic ßεαuty•💋 #1 🔝 Pick ♥ - - 22
(Houston, North Houston)
Ebony Doll(((( -----80 Kisses ---- OUTCALL SPECIAL )))) - 21
(All over Houston Sugarland Pearland Katy)
▀▄▀▄❤ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ Dream girl ATL▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ ❤best asian girls❤ ▀▄▀▄❤ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄★ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁ - 22
(Houston, 4505 N HWY6 / CLAY ROAD)
Down To Earth Mature Single White Female- Well Reviewed - SENIORS WELCOMED - 54
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston- NRG- Med Center)
★ DONT MISS THIS ★ _______ **((SEXIEST BLONDE BARBIE))** ___________ FRESH & NEW ★ - 23
Don't pass me up... You never know what u may be missing.. Call me - 20
(Houston, beltway 8, galleria area, southwest)
.*¨¨* -:¦:-* E R O T I C .*¨¨* -:¦:-* E B O N Y .*¨¨* -:¦:-* B E A U T Y .*¨¨* - 20
(I 10 and highway 6)
** Dynamic * All * Natural * 38dd * Hot * Latina * A M A R I S * LAST NIgHT - 19
(Galleria/Westchase, Stafford/Sugarland/SW Houston)
ღ: D*R*!*P*P*!*N_ W*3*T #4326; {$UP3R*FR3@k} ** $3xX!_ M0CH@ & Sw33T! L3T'S PL@Y!! - 21
(59/ BELTWAY 8)
🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ★ DREAM ★▃▃▃▃▃▃▃HOT B TO B SLIDING ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ 🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎ - 22
(1710 Hwy 6 S, #D, Houston, TX 77077, City of Houston, Houston)
DREAMGiRL ✰ SeXy (( BRUNETTE )) ✰ * (( InCaLLs )) ✰ FuN & DiScReeT - 19
(Houston, Galleria - Upscale Incall)
*** E X C L U S I V E *** E X O T I C *** H O T T I E *** 5 Star E X P E R I E N C E!!! - 20
(Houston, hwy6 i10)
★ _ E _ X _ O _ T _ I _ C _ ★ _ B _ O _ M _ B _ S _ H _ E _ L _ L _ ★ ] 5017863343 - 23
(Houston, sw)
DriP DrOp SLip N SLiD ஐ In FoR SoMe FuN ஐ CaNdI ApPlE ReD ஐ BuStY DoMiNiCaN - 22
(Houston, GaLlErIa Area)
💐🍌🍓 Dirty YOUNG Fantasy🌼🍒🌼Heart stopping Mouth 🌿💋🌿 Incall Specials 🎀 - 21
(City of Houston, NW, 290)
🍭🍫 DiORR'S Sweet Candy 🍫🍭 $weet && $exii $pecialz 😋💁😋 Come Get Your Sweet Treat👅💦 - 22
(Houston, incall spclz ,,. 45south,,.)
~Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap~ 175 Incall Early Bird 160~New PIX~ Bridgette GFE - 39
(south of hobby/ clear lake)
Desire Is Working Sat Call Me Baby : 409-392-8557 :INCALLS No One under 45 - 53
(45 N 1960, City of Houston, Houston)
******* Detroits One N only Passion HAS ARRIVED SPECIAL OUTCALL /INCALL specials******* - 22
(Houston, Sam hoston tollway & 290/ outcall ALL)
D.F.W Hottie Is In The Galleria Area!! Make Your A.P.T With This Mixed Bombshell!! - 19
(Houston Galleria Area ( I 610 North))
*DrEaM CoMe TrUe* $100$Real GoRgEoUs __ (*PerFecT @SS*) ~ EbOnY barbie, - 21
(Houston, Sugarland, Stafford, Rosenburg, and etc.)
dOuBlE DoSe Of NASTY!! === Big Booty Cutie === BeYoND uR wILdEsT fAnTaSy!! ---->> NEW Sexy PIX !! - 19
(Galleria Area ! Incalls ! off 610fwy !)
****** DifferenT ******* That's RighT ****** SomethinG DifferenT ****** Real LatinA WomaN ***** - 35
(Houston, 59North/ 1960 incalls)
💋Diamond Pretty Freak💋 100% Real Pics❗️Freaky, Flexible And Funsize❤️ Specials💋Diamond - 25
(Houston, west chase/ beltway)
@@@ Desire is working today Labor Day Weekend Special Today Only $80/20mins - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
🍒🍦🍭 deliciously sweet young && petite country 🍭🍦🍒 - 25 - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, nothside/DOWNTON/GALERIA/KATY)
DARK AND LOVELY LITERALLYcome get you some SouthWest Houston‼️SMOKIN' HoT 💯 EXotIC [✔]🌟 😻🏩 😍 💯 - 22
(Houston, Incalls Outcalls southwest houston)
Darkskin Slim Busty Ebony Ready to Have Fun $40 $40 $40 - 21
(City of Houston, Galleria/Westhimer and Dunvale, Houston)
Don't You Wish Your GIRLFRIEND Was FREAKY Like ME!!! * - 20
👅Don't miss out on this sophisticated 💜 hot 🔥beautiful Layla ✨ 💦 Guaranteed to make you weak 💦✨ - 24
(Houston, Houston, 1960 & 45)
Dont cheat yourself treat yourself mixed Puerto Rican&Black;* SPECIAL* - 20
(Houston, 290, 610,43rd,34th, northwest)
Desire Is Working Sat For Repeats Only :Call Me Sweetie:@@ - 52
(290 n West Rd, City of Houston, Houston)
DesseRT Is SErvEd ** GERMAN & JaMaCian Mix^°^ JUIcY So SweeT • jUsT likE SuGaR ^°^ WAnT a BITE - 18
(Houston, Incall Spec. ---- Outcalls Where Ever)
**** DELICI©US DIRTY BL©NDE *** *** H©T B©DY *** PURE Pleasure *** SMILES Guaranteed! *** - 30
(Houston, galleria ~~ in or out)
@@@ Desire Is Working at a New Location Beltway 8 North N I - 10. Working Late. Call Me Baby @@@ - 52
(Houston, I -10 N Beltway 8 Area)
*¨¨* DELICIOUS *¨¨* *¨¨* BLONDE *¨¨* *¨¨* BARBIE*¨¨* *¨¨*New In Town - 23
(Galleria/ UpTown/MidTown)
DeLiCiOuS EbOnY iCanDy 🍫N ToWn - 24
(City of Houston, Houston, medical center, reliant area,southwest)
^^^^ Dawn Upscale Beauty ^^^^^^ Available Now!!!! - 19
(Houston, Galleria InCall Only selective out calls)