Sun 05 Jan
*=DtoWN's FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRt=* DeLiCiouSLy eXoTiC w/a SPiCy AttiTuDe=* SWeeT In/OuT SpClS=* - 24
(Houston, i10,wilcrst In/all over Out((NeW PiCS)))
E __ V __ E __ R __ Y ★ M __ A __ N __ S ★ F __ A __ N __ T __ A __ S __Y ★ - 20
🎀 Don't wait another min... Call your favorite sweetheart NOW 🎀 - 26
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls)
E X O TI C»--» BEAUTY::: »-(¯`v´¯)- » T H E»-(¯)-» T O T A L »-(¯`v´¯)-» P A C K A G E FILIPINO MIX! - 21
{C.L.i.c.K H.e.R.e} $50 INCALL SPECIAL * CaRibbEaN EbOnY * READY 2 PLAY NOW - 21
(Southeast Houston/45South and Beltway)
>>>>> cLICK here >>>> Double the Pleasure >>>>> cLICK here >>>>> Double the FUN !!!!
(IH-45 / F.M. 1960 >> (713)-476-2002)
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
!!!Caution FLEXIBLE indian/black barbie!!! now who can beat that??? ill wait.... ;) - 19
========)))))) Chinese Sexy Body Fiona 713-429-5451 Outcall Only ((((((========** - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcall Only)
CAN I get u HOT....Tonight??? - 26
(Clear Lake Area, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Pasadena, Pearland)
Beautiful brunette 💖 beautiful petite body✔ IN & OUTCALLS SPECIALS call ME💦 - 33
(City of Houston, Downtown Galleria midt montrose erc, Houston)
🍬🍬 Best Companion ( I 'M R E A L ) 🍬🍬 Private Residence Outcall🏡🏢 - 21
(Houston, OUTCALL,Cypress,Richmond,Missouri City, Sugar Land)
BeAuTiFuL K!NkY DoMiNiCaN BoMbSheLL**** ExPeRiEnCeD PrOviDeR***** DiScReeT MeeT - 21
(Houston, All over Houston (incall-outcall))
Beautiful Busty Playmate!!! *** Green Eyes!!! 44DD:):):):) New In Town - 22
(Houston, incall 1960 & 45 outcall entire houston)
•° BEaUTy & BOOTY* 45 InCall special * Small BBW * 38DD * 8328777295 * SOFT AzZ * AVAIABLE 24/7•°• - 21
(Houston, I-10 & Hwy 6. Call for outcall price)
Beautiful classy busty DD Blonde Very New Here./30 Day Specials - 38
(Houston, Houston,Galleria,Spring,Humble,Alvin,Etc)
💖Be My Valentine💕 Sweet Special Treat 💋 Have your Cake & Eat it 2🎂 - 21
(Houston, Incall 45N beltway8)
Beautiful & Sexy I Am The Total Package Real Photos Red Hair Green Eyes ! Katy Texas Kings Special - 19
(Houston, West Houston Katy Area)
Beautiful, Busty, Blond - Sweet & Willing w/ Outstanding Reviews - Available TONIGHT & TOMORROW - 27
(Greenway Plaza - 59 @ Kirby)
★BBW LOVERS ★ --$70QV-- ★ ELITE round BUBBLE Juicy🌺---EbonY Doll--$70QV--- 🌺 ★ 🌺RED BOTTEM HEELS - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, 《WESTHEIMER~HWY6~WESTCHASE~BELT8~》In/Out)
-4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == A -L -L == B -O -O -T -Y == 4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == - 24
(belt8 n westpark)
@@ 50 My H'eAd GaMe iS aWsOmE @@ U CaN cOuNt On Me PaPi, Ur GoNnA GeT iT ~~ in / outcall specials - 24
(Houston, 59S/ Beechnut)
-4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == A -L -L == B -O -O -T -Y == 4 -3 == I -N -C -H -E -S == - 24
(we can meet)
💖40 60 80 Sexy Freeeky 😻🔥BeAuTy 💄💋 Ready to Play💖Real Pics - 40 60 80 120 ____ 🌟✨ SPECIAL$✨🌟💫 - - 25
(Houston, north houston /290 / southeast)
🌺🌺🌺➖ NAUGHTY NEW BLONDE ➖🌺🌺➖ Upscale Only ➖◼️ 🌺🌺 Young An Fun ❌🌺◼️➖🌺 - 19
(Houston, Northwest Houston 😍)
🔥🔥🔥--◆◆ 🌺 🔥~New Beauty ~🔥🌟💘🔥🔥-- "Kimi" --🔥🔥🌟💋 the YoungSuper FREAK 💘💘💋 - 20 - 23
(Houston, 290 Northwest Area)
"NEW"_______ CHARMING ________ SEXY __________ LUXURY __________ CASSY _______ EXOTIC______!! - 23
↪↪↪NAUGHTY REDHEAD 36DD PLAYMATE ... 💯 ☎ Jessica 281-616-6721 ☎ 😘😘😘 HOT SPECIALS - 28
*-:¦:-* NeW & iMpRoVeD!! KATY*-:¦:-* Classy Southern Girl! *-:¦:-* - 22
(Houston, Beltway/Westheimer)
.*¨*-:¦:-* ♥ N.a.u.g.h.t.y *B.u.t *O* S.o* N.i.c.e ♥ *¨¨*-:¦: "YoU WiLL CaLL TWiCE" - 20
(All of Local Houston°)
LoVeLy ** MaTuRe** NaUgHtY** BlOnDe** Back** On** North** Side** - 39
(North Houston Woodlands Spring)
¨*:•. .•:*¨¨*:• *M*I*L*F* .•:*¨ & ¨*:•. *C*O*O*K*I*E*S* .•:*¨ ¨*:• .•:* - 29
MiDniTE SpEcIALS All Nite LONG!!!------> Emily is back in town for sum more FUN!!! - 20
(Houston and Surrounding)
MILF Open minded Agreeable Kinky Freaky highly skilled - 45
(Houston, Humble Beltway and 59N ,10 min from IAH)
¨*:•. .•:*¨¨*:• M | L F ___ & ___C O O K I E S .•:*¨¨*:• - 32
(Houston, spring woodlands humble kingwood IAH jfk)
♥ Lovely Lori Aims to Please and Thats What I Do Best ♥ Upscale Only ♥ - 28
(Houston, Northwest Houston)
Make Sure To Put Me On Your "To-Do" List ... :-) ... Now Booking Appointments For THIS WEEK ... :-) - 28
(Houston, Upscale Midtown Location)
:-) lunch specials *** dont miss this chance in/outcall *** Gorgeous Latina Bellah *** - 23
(Houston, Hwy6/i10& westhimer)
++ M -A -S -S -I -V -E +++ B -I -G +++ B -O -O -T -Y +++ C -U -T -I -E +++ O -N +++ D -U -T -Y - 24
>>>>> LooKing FoR SoMe ExcITeMeNt ToDaY? CoMe SeE ~JaDe~ and YoU Won'T Be DiSsApPoInTeD!
(45 & Rankin-Northside)
LOok NO farther; 75 HUGS{{}} iNCaLL SPECIAL..If it's down let me get UP like the stock M@rket!! - 19
💖Let me end your night with u baby💞Absolutely Amazing💓Extremely Addicting💖CALL NOW - 23
(45 N/Spring,Humble,The Woodlands, City of Houston, Houston)
LeavING TOWN °o★o° TAKE °o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - 22
** Late Night LOving.. HOT peTite BlOnde Cutie !! CaTeRing to YoU !! - 33
(Houston, HOUston .. HOTELS , Houses)
Leaving town get the special while I'm here !!Call Trish NO BLACK'S please - 28
(Beaumont/Pt Arthur, beaumont tx)
laTINA senSation the BEST ???? in the city "let me treat you the W@Y she want"!! - 19
(45n-BELTWAY 8 E@ST-"PLUSH INCALL"!!!!!!!)
LATE NIGHT SPECIALS!!IM BACK!!!! and ready to play!!! - 18
(Houston, Baytown, deer park, LA Porte, Pasadena)
💖💎 LATINA Companion de República Dominicana💎 80 Especiale💎 - 21
★ ☆ ★ LATE NIGHT XXX PLAY? .... CLiiiiiCK here.... I am available for you !
IT MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH NOT YOUR HANDS,,,,,im that upscale hottie that always says yes