Mon 27 Jan
Sun 26 Jan
😘💦💎💎cute girl just arrive💎😘💦💎💎😘346-494-0784💎🎉❤😘💦best massage❤❤clean room😘💦💎
(23410 Grand Reserve Dr Suite 9)
Sun 12 Jan
~ * ~ BRUN3TT3 ~ * ~ * ~ * C@UcAs!@N ~ * ~ * ~ * GR3@T @SS3Ts ~ * ~ * ~ * J3RS3y V!LL@G3 / 290 ARE@ - 25
LOOK ===== ► ((CuTiE w/ JUICY BOOTY )) * (( ALL U NEED)) * (is 100) ◄< - 27
(610 @ SAN SELIPE)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)LOVELY *80roses all day specials call now(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)LOVELY *!!!! - 22
(45n and 1960)
LOOK ===== ► ((AT THIS SEXY DIRTY BUNNY )) * (( ALL U NEED)) * (is 100) ◄< - 27
LOOK ===== ► $60 $80 $100 M!$$ P@SS!0N @ U® $rViC**** RaDy & Wa!T!Ng 4 U**** - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
L😘😚K⏩ NEW PICS of a REAL Upscale Hottie READY to get NAUGHTY!!! - 23
(City of Houston, Upscale Galleria area Incall)
----** FAMOUS **---- JuST GeTTiNG oFF WoRK??? ---- uP aLL NiGHT---- HiGHLY ReVieWeD ---- XOXO ---- - 22
--- *FAMOUS* ---YoUR TRuE GiRL NeXT DooR--- **WeLL ReVieWeD** ---eVeRY MaNS FaNTaCY!!! --- - 22
Fancy's celebrating her birthday! Cake and I scream for everyone! - 51
(Houston, Houston north near I-45/1960)
80 hlf hr----%%%% COME SEE HOW GUD IT FEELS TO BEND ME OVER AND BREAK ME OFF!!! %%%%---- 140 hr - 24 - 24
_6O$_ special ~♥~ _60$_ CuM mE Or iLL cUm To U wHeRe eVeR yOuR aT_bUsH iNtL) (DoWnTowN - 21
(all over houston)
^-^ 80 -:¦:- DoLlAr -:¦:- SpEcIaL ^-^ Xx x x x x T R E M E blonde HOTTIE ^-^ - 21
(hwy 6 / I 10)
*¨¨*-:¦: Curvaceous heaven sent bodies *¨¨*-:¦: New intown & ready to please you*¨¨*-:¦:
Click Here For The Hottest Girl On Backpage .... With The LOWEST SPECIALS ... Hottest Girl Low Rate - 20
(Galleria incalls please)
{CliCk H3r3}ThIcK *GFE* Visiting LimIted Time *36DD'S*JuiCy B00ty*{CliCk H3r3} - 22
(59/Galliera/RIce Vill./DownTown Houton I)
24/7 **** Play **** Time **** Incall / Outcall all Houston & surr areas - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
1OO SpEciAl SeXxXy °-:¦:-° ((BuStY Bl0NdE )) °-:¦:-° XxX RaTeD FuN 1OO spEciAl - 23
Sat 11 Jan
* ~ * 2 girls * ~ * Independent * ~ * Have Both or Just One.Your Choice * ~ * EAST HOUSTON - 22
(East Houston/ Baytown)
LOOK No Further I'M What You are LOOKING For!!!! $100 INCALL Special !!
LeT Us Be ThE BeSt PaRt Of YouR DaY ... ReaL FiLiPiNo PLaYMatE & MixXxeD VixEn - 22
(Galleria/Med Center/All of Houston)
LOOK ===== ⎛ ► $60 MulLt!ple SPECIAL Feel!n X-RATEDA v A i L a b L e ** N o W - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
Let's Get XxX Rated! All About U! 100% Erotic-Adult Playtime! 24-7! - 26
L°_E _°T°_° S° █► "available now" ◄█ °P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y - 21
(█► 290 And Tidwell Exit!!)
~~ * ~~ JU!CY ~~ * ~~ * ~~ C@UC@S!@N ~~ * ~~ * ~~ BOOTY ~~ * ~~ * ~~ @FT3RNOON SP3C!@L - 25
** INCALL SPECIAL !! ** Wet, Exotic, SeXxXy, Freaky, Real Pics, All About U! 24-7! - 26
!!!!! INCALL Special!!!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 21
(Incall Galleria/Greenway Outcall ALL Hou)
Feelin' A Lil' Freaky & XxX Rated! All About U & Ready 2 Play! - 26
-:¦:- DIAMONDS -:¦:- ARE -:¦:- FOREVER * -:¦:- -:¦:- * Specials -:¦:- ALL -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- - 20
***Chocolate XXX Ebony**** My ___is Tight and lips are mind blowing! Experience the Fathers Day spec - 22
..~~**~~.. C-U-M Inside & C Me ..~~**~~.. *FAMOUS* ..~~**~~.. HoT YoUNG - BLoNDE - NYMPHo ..~~**~~.. - 22
CALL NOW!!! _____ Puerto Rican Delight _100% ReAdy____ (( Afternoon Specials )) - - 24
(gallaria/ medical center/greater houston)
~ **** ~ **** ~ B!g Booty Caucasian ~ **** ~ **** ~ East Houston / Baytown - 25
(East Houston/Baytown)
**** Beautiful platinum blonde****** Wednesday Specials - 23
(Houston, Alvin,Manvel , south Houston, ect)
50 Special Today Anything Goes Just For You..100.I'm SUPER WeTT & Ready Become A Regular - 20
(north houston)
________ ________ __________ ( BOOTYLICIOUS ACTION & SATISFACTION ) ___________ ____________ ______ - 35
(__________GALLERIA 100 NO LIMIT_________)
♥ BLONDE ___ E Y E __ C A N D Y ___ ♥ ° ♥ - 26
(WILLOWBROOK (249 & 1960))
-- ♥- HOT-♥- SEXY -♥- G* F* E- ♥- private* Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
((( LOOK ))) ----->>> _GFE____100___ ___70_____ WeLL ReViEwEd Ebony WiTh AwArD WiNNiNg Pu$$y - 19
(Southwest HWY /north and all areas)
LOOK ===== ► ((CuTiE w/ JUICY BOOTY )) * (( ICEY IS AMAZEING)) * (WET GiRL) ◄
L@@K>>> EXOTIC BLONDE BoMbShELL >>> girl NEXT door >>> NaTaLiE >>> UPSCALE >>> BLONDE >>>
--- *FAMOUS* ---YoUR TRuE GiRL NeXT DooR--- HoT YoUNG N BLoNDe ---eVeRY MaNS FaNTaCY!!! --- - 22
DON'T LET THE RAIN STOP US FROM HAVING FUN ----------- --------- $80 EBONY Outcall special
>>>>> Don't Look Any Further ... Cum See the HOTTEST Girl-on-Girl Duo in Houston 281-507-2008
(45 & Rankin-Northside)