Wed 08 Jan
💦💦🍫 INCALL and OUTCALL avaible.📲come and see me👅😏�NEW PICTURES 🍫🍫 INCALL AND OUTCALL - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, Southwest, Stafford, Galleria,Nrg)
Call Now 281 253 1395 New in Town !!!! New Pic!!!! Im Ready to See You Right Now - 23
(Houston, Houston Katy Freeway /I10)
( XXPLODE IN OR ON IT !!!!! ___________ 75 FULL HOUR ) - 75
Big Boobs ..... Big Booty, wHiTe SNoW BuNNy MiX .... Im WilD 4 YoU - 21
BARELY LEGAL!!! REAL PERKY 34D's 18 yrs Sweet Sexy and Always Aim to Please - 18
$60 60 60(♥) Ple@$uraBle eXperience() EliTE PrOViDER. BiG BooTy PRO - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
100% REAL Pics /// ExPloSiVe PuErTo RiCaN BoMbSheLL /// LeTs GeT XxX RaTeD !!! - 24
(Galleria/Med Center/All of Houston)
(♥) ErOTiC P@SS!0N (♥) ElliTE PrOViDER. ~~ Now Offer Outcalls - 25
(Westheimer/Dairy Ashford/I-10/Beltway 8)
*KANDI* Blue eyed Brunette Bombshell.. Come and let me treat you well! - 23
Gorgeous.... PETITE .... Discreet. .... Brunette ready for a good time!!!!!!
(woodlands, conroe, spring, houston)
Green eye latina godess waiting for you *90*90$ special!!!! - 23
(Location: Northwest,gallleria ,medical c)
Tue 07 Jan
LOOK Can You Believe This A hot Sexy BIG TITTIE Little BLONDE w\ A Hot $80 SPECIAL - 25
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN ~~ The VeRy BeSt BrUnEtte ♥ - 19
(Hwy6........I-10 freeway)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
100% Real Pics 100% Real Pleasure!!! Come see me kelly - 24
(Houston, 59, Southwest, westheimer,290,Houston tx)
#1 ChoiCe ******* Classy ****** UpscaLe ****** *°°° ExOtic DrEaM GIrL°°° - 23
Ms.Bubbles & Ms.Chante Chocolate Doing it Big An Together $100 Doublemint special - 20
Incall & Outcall🌴💕ρυRε EXOTIC💕 τθρ Qυαℓιτγ •ThIcC_ K_N_O_C_K_O_U_T💋 - Incall & Outcall • - 27
(290 610 beltway antoine 249 Fairbanks, City of Houston, Houston)
Im the best at my craft! I am always available! HOT... SEXY... & I WANT YOU! 281-763-9687 - 20
💸💸Im Available 💸💸Call me 💸💸💸💸Im Available 💸💸💸💸Call Me💸💸💸💸💸 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Willobrook 249 1960 290)
Classy upscale companion☆ New Colombiana☆ well reviewed. Petite and discreet incall 22. - 22
(Beltway 8 and westheimer, City of Houston, Houston)
Beautiful ♥♡ Dominican Model 5★'s Early birD SPECIALS *** UPSCALE / Outcalls - 21
(Houston, South Houston / Pasadena / Texas City /)
Best in Texas is available in Clear Lake/League City/Webster /Kemah - 31
Love CAKE?! Wanna Make One With Me? Devil's Food? Chocolate Or Maybe My Fave? Pound Cake? $60 - 35
(Post Oak+Westhimer Area)
Let Me Be Your Friday Night !!!! Kim Pleasures Available for Incalls And Outcalls - 23
(59 /// Kirkwood)
🎈💋🎈💋🎈I Am Ready To See You👀👀👀 Im WAITING!!!🎈💋🎈💋🎈 - 21
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston...Willowbrook.. 249..1960)
BIG BOOTY TREAT ------ Young, Tight, and Wet Ebony Playmate ----- Early Morning OUTCALL Specials - 21
(Houston Galleria Pearland Katy Woodlands)
$6O Specials!! I'm 1OO% NaSty "!!" *BIG BOOTY* (Claps) Short THICK FREAK "!!" Great MOuth *(SlOpPy)* - 22
(Houston, Southeast Houston 45 South)
Mon 06 Jan
((( New ))) BIG BOOTY Latina/Native MIXED, SHORT, SEXY, LONG WAVY HAIR --- 80 Roses OUTCALL Special - 23
★ Brunette Playmate (( Erotic & Seductive)) X-Rated Entertainment ★
🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 BRIANNA 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 Super Busty Stunning Young PLAYMATE 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 100% GENUINE 🎀🎀🎀🎀 - 21
(City of Houston, Galleria Area Westheimer, Houston)
* {BlOnDe} * {HaIr} * {BlUe} * {EyEz} * {A} * {ToTaL} * {PaCkAgE} *** 100% real pics - 24
(Houston, 45/Hobby Area/surrounding area/fuqua)
Tuesday Special * ~~~~ * ~~~~ *HOT Sexy Guatemalteca real G.F.E.!!!* ~~~~ * ~~~~ * - 23
$120 Hr * $120 Hr * $120 Hr _ Incall Special _ $120 Hr * $120 Hr * $120 Hr Special __ - 21
(Hobby Airport Area/Southeast Houston)
120/Full Hour ::: 120/ Full Hour (( Available Now)) ::: CUM GET IT!!! ::: (Fetish) PreTtii PuSsii - 21
(Hobby Area/Southeast/Pasadena)
♥Mz.Honey★75 special💋💄Seductive playmate with mezmerizing skills♥ - 23
(Houston, 290 Northwest incall only)
*Ms . KITKAT * 8*3* 2* 4*9*1* 2*9*8*9* ~ ALL~ NIGHT ~ 60 ~ SPECIAL ~ - 24
(Houston, 45 NORTH / RAKIN rd./ BUSH AIRPORT)
_____ E L I T E ((( B E A U T I F U L ))) ____ ((( P E R S I A N ))) ____ C A L L **N O W ** - 21
(the galleria in/out)
New LoCatioN !! New SpeCiaLs!! Let Me ShoW You How 2 GeT IT hUmpin This HumpDay!!! - 21
(Beltway 8/Richmond)
2 _ GiRLs _ FOr _120$ _NeW __PeTTiE __ YounG __ CutiEs _ WET & READY _ 1_FOr _ 60$ SPECAIL !! - 22
(inCaLLs/OuTcALLs All Over Houston)
outcall ready right now PRETTY GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE 979 324 8756 ( 249 1960 and katy) - 20
(249,290,i-10,sw hou,katy)
Big Boobs ..... Big Booty ..SNoW BuNNy MiX .... 80 $$$ SpeCiaL - 21
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
(( AvAiLaBLe Now )) (( iNCaLL sPeCiALs )) **** $60 sPECiAL $60 sPEcIALs **** (( aVaILabLE nOw )) *** - 21
(Bush Airport Area/Greenspoint/JFK)
>>Very Sexual, Upscale, Gorgeous, Petite, Burnette ..Ready 2 Rock Ur Nite!!!
(spring, woodlands,n. houston, conroe)
$60 IncaLL SpeCiaL -|- _ SuPeR _°_ SeXy __ CuRvY __ LaTiNa°° ♥ $60 InCaLL SpeciAL - 21
(Bush Airport Area/JFK/Greenspoint)
$60 IncaLL SpeCiaL -|- _ SuPeR _°_ SeXy __ CuRvY __ LaTiNa°° ♥ $60 InCaLL SpeciAL - 21
(Bush Airport Area/JFK/Greenspoint)
*:. ¨ Early Bird Specials. Stop By On Your Way To Work! Descreet, and Convient *:.♥ :*¨¨ - 23
(katy, houston and surounding areas)
💯% REAL 💜💜 SEXY EXOTIC ✨ One of a Kind ߒ✨ CURVy ✅ TiGHT ✅ JUiCY ✅ B E A U T Y 💜💜 - 24
(290 area/hollister exit, City of Houston, Houston)
Sun 05 Jan
Mature, mischievous, and Irish, this redhead gives you great value for your green! - 54
(Houston, Incall near Spring, outcall far beyond.)
Hot and Ready 832 593 2287 Come see me Guys Hot and Ready Right Now - 23
(Houston, Houston hwy6 I10)
* * *_ Brooke _ Wild _ Now _ Accepting _ Apointment _ Requests _ For _ TONIGHT _ & _ FRIDAY - 28
(Houston, Upscale Midtown Location - No Outcall)
✘ℴ❤✘ℴ MUST See... NEW In Town... ITALIAN & INDIAN... SUPER HOTT! ✘ℴ❤✘ℴ - 25
(Houston, 1960 & 45 In/Out)
Mixed Chick #1 PHAT ASS n The WORLD! NO BS! Record Breaking ASS So Phat & Juicy Its A Miracle @ 60$! - 35
(Post Oak+Westhimer Area)