Mon 27 Jan
HIGH-CLASS HOTTIE INCALL $75/30minutes - $150/60minutes OUTCALL $150/1 hour 832.721.0520 - 26
(River Oaks/Central Houston 832.721.0520)
( ( HELP ) ) YOURSELF ( ( TO ) ) HAPPINESS - 26
(Houston, Incall Northwest / Outcall All Areas)
★♡ HeLLo ! ♡★ == ( Gorgeous MiX GiRL ) === (Flat-Stomach ) = CALL ME Im always Ready: 36 DD's & SoFt - 20
(Houston, SUGARLAND / STAFFORD / Belt 8 / 59 South)
🎃HaPPy HaLLoWeeN👻 iF U TriCk I'll bE YoUr Tr3At SoMeThAN Sw33t Ull waNNa eAt 👻IN&OUT-60IncallSpcl;🎃
(Houston, 610,SMain,NRG Stadium, Medical Center)
Gorgeous Caramel Beauty w/ a delectable physique is here for a lil Nice and a whole lot of - 29
(West Houston)
○°●❤ good girls do BAD thing so good❤●°○ - 26
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston, North Houston, The Woodlands)
Girl Next Door, Upscale, discreet, sweet, and sexy ---> EMILY IS BACK!!!!! - 20
(Houston and willing to travel to you)
**GFE**NEW PICS**EXOTIC BEAUTY** Ready 4 Eye Rollin' Toe Curlin' Erotic-Adult Play! 24-7!** - 26
Get a Great Massage + + + From a Great Provider w/ Great Reviews! NOW BOOKING FOR TODAY & THIS WEEK - 28
(Upscale Midtown Location - No Outcalls)
**GFE**NEW PICS**EXOTIC BEAUTY** Ready 4 Eye Rollin' Toe Curlin' Erotic-Adult Play! 24-7!** - 26
______________ GALLERIA __________ WESTHCHASE ________ BELTWAY 8 ___________ WESTSIDE ______________ - 30
* ~ * ~ *FRiDAY THE 13th * ~ * ~ SPECiALS * ~ * ~ **FAMOUS** ~ * ~ * HoT_ YoUNG_ N BLoNDE * ~ * ~ * - 22
FREAKY friday HUMPday 🎀 ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ 🎀 SWEET pink WARM `n` JUICY Spinner - 18
(Galleria/Westchase, WESTCHASE)
*¨¨*-:¦: G.F.E FuN *-:¦:-* JuIcY BooTy *-:¦:-* LaTiNa*¨¨* (( SuPeR sOaKeR )) ** REAL PICS!**
Freaky Seductive Chocolate Fantasy Girl**NEW PICS**( incalls Only) - - 20
(Houston, 45 north@richey rd)
~ * G e n u I n e ~ * C l a s s y ~ * C o m p a n I o n ~ ~ ~ M a t u r e & Independent*~ - 19
Fun GIRL n Fun WorLD ♥♥Come PLAY ♥♥HIDE n Go get - 26
(Houston, NW Frwy(290) Fm1960 (249willowbrook))
FRAK ALRT !!! (¯`·.·´¯) SXY (¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯) FRAK (¯`·.·´¯) G F °♥° U will back! - 19
(Dairy Ashford & Westpark Tollway)
Forbidden Fruit!!!! :-) Outcalls / Incalls Pleasure Awaits You...100% Me!!!!!! - 26
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* ❤ French ❤ Vanilla ❤ Crem'e ❤ .*¨¨*-:¦:-* $140 / hr - 23
💋 Freaky, wild playmate 💖 Ready and willing to please you💋 - 27
(Pasadena, 290 & Hollister, anywhere you want me)
((EXTREMELY)) WET&TIGHT; _ (PETiTE) _ ☆ _ (EXOTiC) _ ☆ _ (BLACK&INDIAN;) - 18
(Galleria area/incall&outcall;)
..**.. FAMOUS ..**.. EaST HoUSToN ..**.. REaDY 2 PLaY aLL DaY ..**.. HoT YoUNG N BLoNDE ..**.. - 22
..**.. FAMOUS ..**..HoT YoUNG N BLoNDE ..**..eVeRY MaNS FaNTaCY ..**.. NeW LoCaTIoN ..**.. - 22
..**.. FAMOUS ..**.. EaST HoUSToN ..**.. REaDY 2 PLaY aLL DaY ..**.. HoT YoUNG N BLoNDE ..**.. - 22
FABULOUS in my fortys! SEXXY, Long REDHAIR Killer body!!! Big Booty! FETISHES - 45
(Houston, sw,galleria,sugarland,katy,in/outallover)
EXotic - FunSized - Brunette * 23 W/triple D'S - the best click you will ever make - 23
(Galleria/Westchase, GALLERIA)
((ExTreMeLy HoTT ))) NeW BeAuTy (((*KiLLeR BoDy! *))) *((*REAL PICS*!!)) CALL NoW 832-405-8133 - 24
** Exotic European Beauty ** I Am The Woman That Every Man Wants, See For Yourself!!! - 22
(F)_(O)_(R) _____ (P) _ (L) _ (E) _ (A) _ (S) _ (U) _ (R) _ (E) ____ ===> _ ( CLICK_HERE ) - 28
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █▒ 💋EXOTIC / SOPHISTICATED 🎀 █▒ 💗💗 █▒ 🎀SEXY Y0UNG BOOTY █▒ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ - 22
(Houston, Northwest Houston/Outcalls Only)
★ _[[ ExOtic Eb0nY bEaUtY ]] _ * UnFoRgEttAbLe ExXxPeRiEnCe * _[[ ExXxtreme GFE ]]_ ★
(✰ 59 & SOUTHWEST)
Excellent Reviews! Great Service! Upscale Location! Available SUNDAY ... 12pm to 10pm - 29
(Houston, Upscale Midtown Location - 77006)
*** ---------- EMPIRE --------- MEET HOT & SEXY ASIAN ---------- Sugar & June ---------- *** - 27
(921 FM 1960 Houston, TX 77090)
Exclusive New Pics from Sexy Big Booty Blonde Available Now 901-859-5013 - 23
(Houston, southwest/ Sam houston/westheimer)
Enjoy Your Leisure Time With Style!! Im Your New Pleasure!! - 25
(Houston, OUTCALL Your residence or hotel)
*__ E_X_O_T_I_C___ ** 50 **__* ___ B_U_S_T_Y _ *_roses__ *___ C_U_R_V_Y_*_* all night_** SPECIALS - 31
(Houston, I10 west)
§ E x O t I C C u T i E T i G h T J u I c Y & R e A d y T o G o § - 27
(290 area/Outcall Houston)
During Work Hours ! ! ! BeauTifuL LaTinO PlayMaTe >> (( Early Morning Specials )) - 23
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
. ★ .DRoP DeAD GoRGeOUS (80) BlOnDe PlAyE MaTe AVAILABLE NOW . ★ . 1OO% SaTiSfAcTiOn - 22
🎀💕 DOUBLE TROUBLE!! 💘 Take a walk on the WILD side❤️two girl sPECIALs all night!💋💘 �! 💋❤️💕💘 - 22
(Houston, 45n/1960/iah/woodlands/outcalls)
--DoNT WaSTe YoUR TiMe ON GiRLS WiTH FaKe PiCS-- *FAMOUS* -- BaCK iN ToWN --- - 22
@@@*@@@*@@@ LaSt DaY fOr CaLiFoRnIa SuNsHiNe FeW hOuRs LeFt ... @@@*@@@*@@@ - 26
(GaLLaRia!!!New Pics!!!)
*=DtoWN's FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRt=* DeLiCiouSLy eXXoTiC with a SPiCy AttiTuDe=* SWeeT OuTCaLL SPcLS=* - 26
(Houston, OuTCaLLS OnLY)
. ★ .DRoP DeAD GoRGeOUS (80) BlOnDe PlAyE MaTe AVAILABLE NOW . ★ . 1OO% SaTiSfAcTiOn - 22
Desire Is Working Sat For Repeats Only :Call Me Sweetie:@@ - 52
(290 n West Rd, City of Houston, Houston)
@@@ Desire Is Working at a New Location Beltway 8 North N I - 10. Working Late. Call Me Baby @@@ - 52
(Houston, I -10 N Beltway 8 Area)
@@ Desire Is On Vacation Will Post When I Get Back Please Do Not Call My Phone @@ - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
@@@ Desire Is Working Now. Come And Enjoy Me Working Till Midnight Tonight @@@ - 51
(Houston, 249/1960 North)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy... *~*OvEr WoRkEd ,UnApPrEcIaTeD or Just LoNeLy?? I'm YoUr #1 PROVIDER - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy** **TaKe A BrEaK WiTh Me. . . . . I HaVe ThE LuNcH YoU nEe D***WiNnErS LuNcH - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
💰💋💎dimond💋💰💎😘💋you💋have 💎to💰 Come💋back 😍for❤️more❤️💋💰💎😘👯💖💖💖 - 21
(Houston, Outcall Spring Bush IAH Humble Woodland)