Mon 06 Jan
BLazing Hot Brunette Bombshell / I wanna EXXXPLODE all over YOU! / AVAILABLE NOW! - 24
(45n/fm1960 & I can come 2 YOU)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
•○•Available Now‼ Extremely TALENTENTED←ηatural Boobs & Body ♡ √¡ρ blondε ◇ ACTUAL Recent PHOTOS‼°○ - 26
(Houston, Humble In-1960 Out-Everywhere 24/7)
Sun 05 Jan
LATE NIGHT PARTY GIRL outcall only •*° S—U—P—E—R—— •*° S— E—X—Y——— •*° ° Sweet ———— BRUNETTE *█ █ - 28
(Houston, Galleria Med Center Spring Woodlands)
IN or OUT just CALL IRIS 281-303-3612 eXXXoTiC LaTiNA with HoT & SwEaTy EvErLaStInG LaTiN sPiCe - 24
★ .. COOK OFF & RODEO GUYS .. ((★ 713-423-4518 ★)) .. ★ CLiiiiiCK HERE~!!!
Last Chance ⇨ 30min Outcall Special 🎁Moist & Ready 💋KiNkY BaBe Pet my K!TTy ➡ 100% Real GUARANTEED - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, NORTH HOUSTON outcalls outcalls)
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
¸.•*.) ¸.•*.)Lovely Upscale sexy ¸.•*.) ¸.Adorable SWEET cuttie YES IM READY FOR YOU ~*•♥•*~* Nola - 29
(45 North Fm 1960 Humble IAH, Conroe, Houston)
It'S A NeW YeAr CoMe MaKe A NeW FrIeNd MaTuRe WaRm G F E LoTs Of AfFeCtIoN - 42
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
》》》☆☆ Hot & Classy BomBsheL☆☆ SeXy TaN Lines SmooTh Booty (●)(●) Pretty face ♡♡♡ Exciting moves!!! - 27
(Houston, Upscale amateur woodlands 45 north)
📲 Call me Kaylee in calls outcalls 💜 8328961653 - 25
(Houston, The Woodlands, the woodlands Conroe 45 n spring nrg)
Sat 04 Jan
★•__ ▒NEW▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒EXOTIC ▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒PLAYMATE▒ ___ •★___ ▒SMOKIN▒___ •★___▒HOT▒ _( Lilieth - 26
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
_ _ _ _ _BrEaTh-TaKiNg _ BrUnNEtTe _ BeAuTYy _ ON _ dUtY aNd AVAILABLE _ ALL _ MORNING _ _ _ _ _ - 24
... .. L (o)(o)KiN tO pLaY !!!!! SW FeTISh PROviDeR ... ReAdY !! - 28
(59s beltway hobby outcalls all over)
♥ °*""*~ ~ ~ ~ T H I C K * * * B U S T Y* * * BRUNETTE~ ~ ~ ~ *""*♥ ° ♥ - 24
LUNCH SPECIAL -outcall only •*° S—U—P—E—R—— •*° S— E—X—Y——— •*° ° Sweet ———— BRUNETTE *█ █ - 28
(Houston, Galleria Med Center Spring Woodlands)
💋💖ATTN: To all the REAL Gentlemen !! 😍💋💯%REAL 💖💯%independent - 25
(conroe Spring woodlands, Houston, The Woodlands)
Fri 03 Jan
🐤 Early Bird 🐤 Incall Specials 😘All You Ever Imagined💋 - 18
(Houston, Incall 290 Outcalls Houston Area)
_ _BrEaTh-TaKiNg _ BrUnNEtTe -BeAuTY _ ON _ dUtY aNd AVAILABLE _ ALL _ MORNING _ _ - 24
(All N. Houston & Surrounding Areas)
LeT Me GiVe You ThE HoLiDaY ChEeR WeLl ReViEwEd MaTuRe LaDy No HuRrY No WoRrIeS - 39
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
🌹H🌹🌹 Sexy Korea Girl Leaving town😍 Need catch me before I go 🌹🌹🌹 26 years - 26
(Houston, The Woodlands)
❤️💫Beautiful Blonde Babe💫❤️Young Hot 🌟 Upscale Beauty 🌟 Petite Doll 🌟 Specials!! Call Now!!🌟 - 20
(City of Houston, Houston)
❤️💫Beautiful Blonde Babe💫❤️Young Hot 🌟 Upscale Beauty 🌟 Petite Doll 🌟 Specials!! Call Now!!🌟 - 20
(City of Houston, Houston)
Latinas - Ashley (22)& Karla (20)- Ready to make your dreams a reality⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ - 21
(City of Houston, Houston)
🎩Gentleman's Choice🌴Exotic Beauty 🌺Ebony Treat 🎁2grl Special 🎀OutCall 🚕 - 20
(Houston, Outcall 59 45 beltway8 290 1960 Galleria)
60$ outcall special, new provider, cupcakes, north side call me 9799223027 - 19
(Houston, north houston)
Thu 02 Jan
MaTuRe LaDy LoT's Of KiSsEs FoR YoU SaTuRdAy SpEcIaL To KiCk OfF YoUr WeEkEnD WeLl ReViEwEd - 39
(Houston, 1960/45 North Houston Spring Conroe)
*** L (o) (o) K i N 4 t H e D i F F e R e N c e?? im sensual personal and UNLIKE no OtHeR - 27
(290 and beltway 8)
❤ ▄▀ •❤ BORED! 💋❤💋 Let Me Come Pamper Your Needs 💋❤💋 34DD S/piNN''R 💋❤💋❤ ▄▀ •❤• ▀▄❤ - 33
(Houston, ♡ OuTcaLL Your PlaCe ❤Conroe/etc)