Mon 27 Jan
👑👑👑👑👑👑 EXOTIC UPSCALE BEAUTY 👑👑👑👑👑👑 ||||| 💨💦💨💦💨💦 Breathtaking Experience 💨💦💨💦💨💦 - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, The Woodlands, TheWoodlands / Spring / Tomball Area)
Exotic Pure »——» ♥ [ 100% INSTAGRAM + FACEBOOK+ YOU TUBE VIDEO = Help College Babe - 19
(Houston, Westheimer Beltway 8 Richmond Highway 6)
Exotic Red Head 🌴😇💎Available now 7163139307 - 20
(Baytown, City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston)
★ [[ ExOtic Eb0nY bEaUtY ]] * UnFoRgEttAbLe ExXxPeRiEnCe * [[ ExXxtreme GFE ]]★ - 20
(59 Southwest Hwy Galleria Area( New Pix))
Exotic Amazing Sunday Experience * Meet Jada **Wild Fun Tender & Ready Sweet Discreet Treat!! - 26
(Houston, OUTCALLS only (covering all areas))
Excellent Reviews - Upscale Location - Come Enjoy My 4 Part Massage - Available SATURDAY 12pm to 9pm - 29
(Houston, Upscale Midtown Studio - No Outcalls)
🌴🌴ExoTiiC biG bOoty BoMbShEll👅💦 better than her👇👇&& her👆👆 36-34-50 💜💜💚last chance b4 retirement💚💚💜 - 21
(Houston, Westheimer/Katy/houston surrounding area)
»-♥-» Exotic Beautiful Italian »-♥-» Soft Silky Skin ★°•. 💋Sweet to The Taste💋 ★°• - 24
* Exotic * a body like this* Hot diva * Wild Fun & Ready *** the goddess of satisfaction & pleasure* - 25
(Houston, incall (katy Fwy) / outcall (all areas))
Exotic Barbie Girl Lo ve Fetish Dont waist your time with the those non Talented Girls Call me!!!! - 21
(Houston, I10 and Highway 6)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! __ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction 24-7 ! __ Evry Mans Dream Tru! - 28
(4ODDBabe $80 NoTime Limits 610 Loop)
Exotic Italian 832 202 6790incall out call incall & murphy rd.* Fetish Friendly - 20
(sw,i10,45, se and surrounding)
::~:: EuRopEAn GoDDesS ::~~:: 80 ::SpEcIaL$$ ::::~~:::: ITALIAN & ROMANIAN 281-773-7003 - 19
© Eva Da Beast © 40DD & 48" @SS █ BLK/LATINA █ aLL rAcE fRiEnDLy SPCL! - 21
(Houston, In/Out 610,59,i10,bltway,katy)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! _____ BOOTYLICIOUS ___ ACTION & SATISFACTION _____ Evry Mans DreamTru! - 30
Exotic Italian 832 208 0661 incall only incall harwin and hilcroft 120 special* Fetish Friendly - 20
(harwin and hilcroft incall only)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare ___ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $10O___ Evry Mans Dream CUM Tru ! - 30
(NoRushing BootyliciousBabe 610 Loop)
Every Womans Worst Nightmare! __ Bootylicious SatisfAction $80hr_ Every Mans FUCKIN Dream CUM True! - 30
(I-10@Voss or 290@610 or 59@ Westpark)
________ _________ __________ ________ Every Mans Fantasy________ _______ _________ _________ ______ - 99
Exotic Experience! *Gorgeous Exotic mixbreed ~Fun Wild & Friendly *GUARANTEED SATISFACTION!! - 26
(Houston, OUTCALLS ONLY(covering all areas))
❤ °°•★•°° ExOtIc 1 Of A KiNd °°•★•°° ❤ 50/ 100 /150 $pecials - 25
(Houston, Westheimer & Beltway 8 Incalls)
💋❤💄Erotic & Exotic Filipina 💋❤💄**Half hour Specials**SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY *** Outcall Only *** - 23
(Baytown, City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Kemah,Galveston, Outcalls Only, Pasadena)
ஐ Everybody Deserve A Little TLC Sometimes... Outcall Specials! ஐ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Beltway 8 In/Out)
EROTIC RED HEAD incalls outcalls sexy steamy sweet silky IM JUST WHAT YOU NEED 281 726 9141 - 26
(Houston, southwest hou)
Eva Da Beast ¤ Quality time w/ Adorable Caramel Queen ¤ New Look ¤ New Stats 42DDD-38-52 Booty - 21
(Houston, reliant area In/OUt NW,SW,All over Hou)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare ___ Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $8O___ Evry Mans Dream CUM Tru ! - 30
(NoRushing BootyliciousBabe GalleriaCondo)
ENTICING 💋EXOTIC 💋GORGEOUS 💋 MILA! Insatiably Erotic Fantasies Await! 💋Experience Pure Ecstasy 💋💋 - 30
(Houston, In/Galleria/ Westheimer out/ all Houston)
Evry Womans Worst Nightmare! __ 40DD Bootylicious Action & Satisfaction $80! __ Evry Mans DreamTru! - 30
© Eva Da Beast © Soft jUiCy BOOTY w/ { TIG OLE BITTIES } More private pics @ e.c.c.i.e.c.o.m - 21
(Houston, in Galleria area / out all over Hou TX)
-:¦:- ECCIE Reviewed .-:¦:- CHaRmInG BruNETTE °° .-:¦:- SeXxXi M$. BeNtLeY - 21
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
Enjoy stocking stuffing holiday cheer with a doggone discount if you're nice before naughty! - 55
(Houston, Wherever you need me to be!)
ENTICING💋 SEDUCTIVE💋 MESMERIZING N Gorgeously MILA💋💋 Allow Me To Indulge Your Innermost Desires!!! - 30
(Houston, In/Galleria/ Westheimer out/ all Houston)
♥ E Y E __ C A N D Y ___ S U P E R ___S E X Y ♥ - 19 - 19
(hwy 6/I 10)
=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXXd KiTTeE= So SWeeT but YeT So N@uGhTy= Can U MaKe Me PuRR?= W!Ld SpCLS= - 24
(Houston, i10,wilcrst IN/all over OuT((NEW PICS!)))
💋 Early Morning Play 💋 To Get U Through The Day 💋 Ready and Waiting 💋 Just 4 u 💋 - 26
(Houston, hobby, anywhere you want me)
=DTowN'S FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRT= HaPPy FReaKy FRiDay=LeT'S GeT FReaKy 2GeTheR= SWeeT OutcaLL SPcLS= - 25
(Houston, All OveR HouStoN OutCallS ONLY)
★ DONT MISS THIS ★ _______ **((SEXIEST BLONDE BARBIE))** ___________ FRESH & NEW ★ - 23
--DoNT WaSTe YoUR TiMe ON GiRLS WiTH FaKe PiCS-- *FAMOUS* -- BaCK iN ToWN --- - 22
DoNT Waste Another Second ***** Call Krissy Kisses*** If you Want A Skilled Girlfriend - 30
*=DtoWN's FiNeST MiXXd DeSSeRt=* DeLiCiouSLy eXXoTiC with a SPiCy AttiTuDe=* SWeeT OuTCaLL SPcLS=* - 26
(Houston, OuTCaLLS OnLY)
decollecter adult star new in town sexy big bootie 50 inches or better baby, white guys welcome too - 39
(Houston, Down town)
~*~ DeFiNaTLeY HaVe To Put Me On YOUR TO-DO LIST!! (: ~*~ Ready & Waiting For U!! ~*~ - 25
DOUBLE D TOT'S~ All Access pass~UNLIMTED ~gfe ~ Fetishes ~PULL my bra & watch my boobs POP OUT 1OO.
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy.... StReSS ReLiEf ..&.. ReLaXaTiOn $80 Specail !! DoN't MiSs - 22 - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy * * *ThE BeSt Of tHe BeSt ! ! ! TeRRiFiC *TuEsdAy * StReSs ReLiEf SPeCaiL ! ! - 22
Dont risk your money or safety on the what if's! 100% real and 100% What your looking for! Call me - 27
(Houston, Woodlands or incall near you!)
* ♥ * DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- >>> {{ THE PERFECT BLONDE}} * ♥ * DOnT MiSS OuT - 20
(Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
°°° DIAMOND °°°"Call about my special ! I'll do what your wife or girlfriend won't ! °°°° - 24
(Houston, channelview/east side)
Desiree Exotic Asian Mix -832-891-3012- ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS-OUT CALL-REAL PICS - 24
(Houston, Pearland,Sugarland,Galleria,Katy Houston)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty* * * SmAcK mY A** & PuLl My HaIr. . . ! KiNkY fUn LuNch SpEcIaL!! - 22
(59/ kirkwood)
(¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯)_DOWN ON MY _KNeeS_ WiTH_ SHAMeLeSS_ CONFESSiONS (¯`'·.¸ ☆ ¸.·'´¯) - 20
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * *LaSt dAY iN HoUsToN ***DESI***DoN't MiSs mE! ! ! ! LeAvInG in A FeW hOuRs - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
Didn't get enough tender white breasts, stuffing, pie? Then come see ME! - 53
(Houston, Deep South Ireland near Spring)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy... *~*OvEr WoRkEd ,UnApPrEcIaTeD or Just LoNeLy?? I'm YoUr #1 PROVIDER - 22