Sat 11 Jan
💥💥HoT LiKe FiRe💥💥🍭🍬🍭 SwEeT LiKe CaNdY🍭🍬🍭 Sex❌xY 💋SeDuCtiVe💋 AlwAyS ReAdy 🔥$pcl💥#1 Exotic💥1000% ReAL - 32
(Houston, 610 n s.main reliant. area)
**Busty Babe Needs You Tonight! ~Let My Skills Relax You:)~ **Satisfying Specials** - 27
(Houston, katy/energy corridor)
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE SEDUCTRESS..... Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, & Discover
*60 QK *:. BiG BooTY *¨*:. NaStY FiLtHy LiTtLe SLuT:: A REaL FrEaK* CuM BeNd Me OvEr!! - 24
$4O $75 ♥ The Royal Treatment!!! Rainy Day Specials!!! »-♥» 832-552-7460 - 20
(Southwest--AVAILABLE NOW!!!)
LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» TiGhT & WeT PoRnStAr ! »» A MuSt See !! »» 100 *100* - 25
(Incall (45 S/BeLtWaY 8) ***100/60 MiN***)
(())))))LOOK NEW PINK MEAT!!! 149$ SPECIAL!! 8328877621 NEW BOOTYS!!!! - 23
(Houston, outcalls only)
LoOk No MoRe 60$ INcall SpecIaLs!!! All DaY Hot SpecIaLS WiTh ThIs PETITE F.R.E.A.K.Y. PLAYMATE - 22
LOOK> O.M.G.Sexy Latina 60$ Special Sweet Tina Come And Lets Play 832 316 1777 Call ANYTIME - 20
(Houston, outcalls incalls westhimer and incall)
Fri 10 Jan
* **** **** **** *** NBA ***** NOTHING ...... BUT.... AZZZ .....BBW ...HOT BITCH - 33
(Houston, H-TOWN)
( ❤ ÂmÂz¡nG $k¡LL$❤ ) --- ❤ UP$CALE COMPAN¡ON❤ ---- (W/ CuRVe$) ♥ (SpEciAL 60/80/100) OPEN 24Hrs - 28
(Houston, InCallOnly--290 & Fairbanks/Northwest)
×❤×(( ✰ 💦MOUTHWATERING 💦 ✰ )) ×❤× ( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ ) ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ ☎ Available Now - 22
(City of Houston, Greenspoint ❤ Up Late pink & juicy 💦💦, Houston)
LiPS HiPS & FiNERTiPS—💎 GREEN eyes —😍 BL0NDe💎— [ RUSSiAN★ CZeCH ] ⇨CALL ME ☜—😍💎100%(REAL)—- - 24
(Houston, Incalls/outcalls)
**Let Me Take Away Your Stress! **JUST Call ME The BEST** ~SExY SATiSFYiNG SPeCiAlS~ - 27
(Houston, Hwy6&1-10 Houston)
Find that Beautiful Blonde in Houston who is as rare as a pearl in the huge bed of oysters!
(Houston River Oaks area Incall & Outcall)
ExXxclusively 4 ALL UpScale MATURE GenTleMeN! WannA CUM play IN my PriVaTE ALL inCluSiVE pLaYL@nD? - 21
********** BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL *********** Super SEXY **** Gorgeous FACE **** 100% mouth watering - 22
(Houston, Houston, TX)
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE SEDUCTRESS.. Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, & Discover
(Houston (Memorial area incall) Outcall to all of Houston & surrounding areas)
(HoUsTON- i-10/hwy6-iNcALLs onLy)
Back in town!▃▃ GIRL NEXT DOOR.. ▃▃FoRgEt✰┆ ★ThE✪┆✫ReSt✬┆✩CALL✯┆ ✰ThE★┆✪BEST❣❣✫┆✬ ⓛⓞⓞ% - 18
(Houston, 45n,woodlands,1960,conroe,humble,bush)
$60 New to ToWn Juicy Deals !! ! 310-689-4295 CaLl Me Up 24/7!! - - 19
5 STAR TREAT ♥ Th!cK Th!GhS __5★ ★ VaNiLlA JUICY BoOtTy150 OUTCALLS! - 21
(in-hobby out-houston and surr areas)
40/15m!nz $pcl SMOKIN HOT!! Ms."FIRE" VERY OPEN MINDED! latino/ebony mixed #freak# IN and OUTCALLS - 19
(Houston, i10east,channelview,baytown,laporte)
100$ LOOK! FRENCH Indian BEND ME>Flip Me>100$ VIP Playmate Amaya 100$ BOOTY! 8328877621Call NOW - 21
(Houston, outcalls, incalls 59 and weslyan)
MILF ------------- 2 hot, & sexy "Genies in a bottle" to grant you 3 wishes! --------------- MILF - 37
Father's DaY Specials Specials Petite *¨¨*-:¦:-* Exotic Mixed Ebony *¨¨*-:¦:-* F*R*E*A*K!!! - 22
LOOK♡♥ Special Young 19yr Old Very Slippery Soft BOOTY Roxanne READY Im waiting lol..832 388 4422 - 19
(Houston, incall westhimer voss, outcalls)
LoOk No MoRe 50$ INcall SpecIaLs!!! All DaY Hot SpecIaLS WiTh ThIs PETITE F.R.E.A.K.Y. PLAYMATE - 22
70 roses ((——— CLiCK HERE! ———)) ((— ——GORGEOUS PLAYMATE ———)) ((——DON'T MiSS OUT!! ——)) - 20
(Houston, HiGHWAYY 6 && I 10 FREEWAY)
click here--> seXy ~ ~ 832- 885- 8565 ~ ~ kArEn * * * $ 75 dOlLAR SpECiaL (REAdy) - 19
(Houston, 290 frwY / 34tH St.)
Attention*** 24/7 ****BUSTY BEAUTY*** Shay waiting to do whatever for you!!! - 32
24/7💝👍 Out calls all night Big Juicy Latina Booty💖💟💞curvalicious💝💓 sensual 💖sexy - 21
(Houston, nasa Hobby airport Pearland clear lake, Pasadena)
Thu 09 Jan
💋👑London 💙 Back In💕 Town 👄H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd👅💦❗️❗️❗️Busty34DD👙💦 Round 🅰️ss🍑 Slippery💦 50🌹Special 🎀💞💧💦 - 21
(City of Houston, Hoppy airport, Houston)
LET MIRANDA BE YOUR MEDICINE TONIGHT ... your mouth will water for more and more ... 100% REAL GIRL - 23
Incall $pecials new location!! Lovely Lady Sapphire is on fire and ready to PLEASE! Well-reviewed! - 23
(Houston, Katy/medcenter/sugarland/galleria/dwntwn)
freaKy & peTitE ~ ~ 713-689-0730 > KaReN --------> NEW PICS 100% ($75 dollar special) - 24
(Houston, 290/34th)
~~~~~~~C o m e* = S p e n d* = U r* =D a y* = T h e* = R i g h t *= W a y* ~~~~~~~ - 24
(My Place or Yours)
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE SEDUCTRESS.. Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, AMEX & Discover
(Houston River Oaks area Incall & Outcall)
♛ 100% BeAuTy BaCk n ToWn~ rEaL PiCs!! ❤ ฿§ Õ h ฿§ !!❤ - 22
(hoUstON(hwy 6) incalls oNly)
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 832-272-5454 ------- MILF - 37
· ▒ ▓ █ ·BrUnEtTe.BeAuTy ★Up AlL NiGhT★ GuArAnTeEd .2. PlEaSe ·█ ▓ ▒ - 20
(Houston, Beltway 8 & Westheimer)
Blonde Barbie ready make your dreams come true!! close to Katy! 1 hr incall Specials! - 23
(Houston, Katy/medcenter/sugarland/galleria/dwntwn)
LOOK == ► YoUr ___ DrEaM ___ CoMe ___ TrUe ◄ == ( Highly Reviewed ) - ( Must - See) - 24
(*°☆°* Southwest *°☆°*)
[[ $$80 Spec. ]] ♥ [[ COME AN TASTE ]] ♥ [[ HISTORY ]] - 24
(290 northwest (incall specials$$80))
💗💗 ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇70 ▄▀▄ 🚖FiT§ LiK€ A Gl0V€🚖💗💗Sω€€T && JUiC¥! ▃▅██▅▃ ❤▄ tH€ b€§t ▄ 90 █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ - 20
(Katy/ Brookshire, 45 NORTH && BELTWAY 8)
ߌߢܨ GORGEOUS BLONDE ✨ߌߠ100% REAL ߌߢܨ satisfaction guaranteed ✨ߌߠ24hrs ߌ281-254-4583ߢܨ - 18
(Houston, 45north woodlands 1960 humble kingwood)
GORGEOUS RACHAEL Can KEEP You Warm! * Available NOW! CALL Me :) - 22
(Houston & Surrounding Area/ Outcalls)
Come see my AMAZinG $KiLLS ;-)!! Don't miss out on TGIF specials with hottest BLoNDe in Houston!!! - 23
(Houston, Katy/medcenter/sugarland/galleria/dwntwn)
** * *** ***** COME ***** ~~~~~ PLAY ~~~~ ***** WITH **** AN ***** EXTREME ~~~~~~ AAAA ASSSS SSSSS - 31
24/7 Sexy💦💦💦 Puerto Rican Booty💖💟💞curvalicious💝💓 sensual 💖sexy - 21
(Houston, nasa Hobby pearland clear lake, Pasadena)
#2258101435 100%real Montana New bigbooty ReadPlease...Limited edition Tattoos don't lie It's all m - 24
(Houston, south main)
(Incall near galleria)
Wed 08 Jan
( MILF) # Diamond IN THE Rough # (TOTAL G.F.E ) (Houston) -$100Incalls Special - 35
(*(*(* L`e`T T`h`I`s Y`O`U`N`G S`E`X`Y B`l`O`n`D`e ____ B`L`O`W Y`o`U`r M`I`N`D T`o`N`i`G`h`T *)*)*) - 21
fulfill your "Wildest Fantasies" now with .... BLONDE BOMBSHELL PLAYMATE .... Claudia McPherson! - 27
(Houston (Memorial area incall) Outcall t)
*~* FiReY *~* ReD *~* LoOkInG *~* To *~* LiGhT *~* YoUr *~* FiRe *~* - 30
(East Houston/ surrounding cities)
_____ ________ ________ __EYEROLLIN TOE CURLIN BODY RUB LOW SPCLS________ __________ ______ _____ - 30
BIG THICK LADIES - 2 ItaLianas & a BiG BooTy CUBANA _-hablo espanol-_ *$110* FOR A FULL HOUR!! - 20
(SW Houston/ Sugarland)