Mon 27 Jan
~~~~~ ~~~~~~ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$ Ebony Goddess The Ultimate Experince~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$ - 22
(North Houston/1960 Area)
(5003 antoine dr/43th,st .)
Enjoy stocking stuffing holiday cheer with a doggone discount if you're nice before naughty! - 55
(Houston, Wherever you need me to be!)
/*\/*\/*\E*R*O* T*I*C=$50==EBON Y PLAYGIRL===$50 ==S*E*S*S*I*O*N *S/*\/*\/*\priv ate incalls - 25
(Houston, Beltway/8 and 59/SouthWest)
Enjoy a Ride with a Daytona All-American Playmate!!! Elite OUTCALLS ONLY. I also cater to HOTELS - 22
(spring woodlands tombal katy houston)
EarLy BiRd GeTs ThE GirL HH$100 BLOW OUT SALE !!! - 22
(Galleria Area / Westheimer & 610)
______ E L I T E ______ **** S I C I L I A N ***** _____ P R I N C E SS _____ Back in Town ****** - 22
(The Galleria area)
★ ___ [DROP] ___ ★ ___ [DEAD] ___ ★ ___ [GORGEOUS] ___ ★ - 23
EARLY Morning SPCLS****60rs **** SPCLS!!!! ****80rs*** SPCLS!!!** 100rs!!! spcls!! - 20
(Houston, incalls, hobby-surrounding areas)
💦💦 duo specials 💦💦 new girls in town 😍 Pasadena😍 roxy & lucy - 24
(City of Houston, Hobby airport pasadena pearland, Houston)
=::=Dream Knight- ×°x°× UNPREDICTABLE, =::= WILD & SEXxXY !! =::= - 23
(=::= incall (59 South near beltway 8)
EEVEE SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFEAST "FIRE" X) text in specials until 12am midnight :) - 19
(rosenberg BW8/59s, outcall anywhere)
*@*EARLY~BIRD*@* FREAK~SESSION $50S (Thick Ebony Nubian Booty) $50S *@* EARLY~BIRD *@ *FREAK~SESSION - 26
(Houston, 610-S/Reliant Stadium@Medical Center)
★ *E X C E L L E N T* ★ Beautiful Asian Staff Special Table Shower Rose Spa - 28
(Houston, Houston (close to Jones Rd))
★ *E X C E L L E N T* ★ Beautiful Asian Staff A F F O R D A B L EFUN! - 24
(Houston, TX)
Dynamite $60 Sk ills===((((SWEE T * SEXY * EXOT IC * EBONY * PL AYGIRL))))===Dy namite $60 Skil ls - 26
(Houston, +45/North@Beltway=8+Incalls&Outcalls;)
🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ★ DREAM ★▃▃▃▃▃▃▃HOT B TO B SLIDING ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ 🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎ - 22
(1710 Hwy 6 S, #D, Houston, TX 77077, City of Houston, Houston)
===> Early Bird SPECIALS AVAILABLE NOW ____ SEXY pUERTO rICAN ___ Early Bird Specials
(Clear lake/Nasa Area/Hobby)
Dont Miss This"* Oppertunity To Be With The Best!! NEW AND SO SWEET $80 HH INCALLS - 32
(45 South /All Over Houston)
----(Early Bird Special)---- Sexy Latin awaits you! INCall SPECIAL ($100) - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer,Sugarland, Missouri City)
_E__r_ _O__t __I__c __E__X___o__T__ i__C P__L_ _a__Y __M__a__T__e__ A V A I L A B L E NOW! - 23
💋💋 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ❤️Insatiably Erotic Naughty n Sweet❤️🍒 MILA Avail now🍒REVIEWED 💋💋 Indulge - 29
(Houston, Westheimer Galleria area out All AREAS)
@@@*@@@*@@@ LaSt DaY fOr CaLiFoRnIa SuNsHiNe FeW hOuRs LeFt ... @@@*@@@*@@@ - 26
(GaLLaRia!!!New Pics!!!)
!~!~!~((((EARLY -BIRD SWEET HON EY-DIP in need of a hot MORNIN G TREAT=== $50Spcls==come & get it - 26
(Houston, **45/North@Beltway/8**incalls=outcalls)
🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ★ DREAM ★▃▃▃▃▃▃▃HOT B TO B SLIDING ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ◥◣◥◣◥◣ 🌇🌇🌇⬛⬛❎❎❎❎ - 22
(1710 Hwy 6 S, #D, Houston, TX 77077, City of Houston, Houston)
♥( ( ( E V E R Y T H I N G ____ U R ____ L O O K I N G ____ F O R ) ) ) ♥ - 20
E _ B _ O __N_Y ((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY - - 20
(Houston, N Houston 1960 Spring Woodlands)
D.F.W Hottie Is In The Galleria Area!! Make Your A.P.T With This Mixed Bombshell!! - 19
(Houston Galleria Area ( I 610 North))
💋💋 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ❤️Insatiably Erotic Naughty n Sweet❤️🍒 MILA CARMELL🍒REVIEWED 💋💋Come Indulge💋💋 - 29
(Houston, Westheimer Galleria area out All AREAS)
Drippin" Wett CHERRY Pretty /Spain girl sexy lil Gfe *** sluttiest bunny - 25
(baytown,woodlands, north/south of town)
Dont miss this sexy erotic playmate,the highlite of your day is only one call away..... - 22 - 22
Don't look anywhere else cause you have found the best Spa in Houston here at BC Spa!! - 21
(18039 FM 529 Ste:C)
DANGEROUSLY 💋💎💋💎super Hot & K!nKY 💋💎36DDD Bombshell curves - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer Rd)
🌟▃▃🌟DAREN SPA🌟▃▃🌟▃▂▂🌸🌸🌸NEW GIRLS THIS WEEK🌸🌸🌸▂▂▃ ✨💜24/7💜✨▬▬▬▬💓💓100% SEXY💓💓▬▬▬▬☎️☎️☎️ - 20
(11901 Katy Freeway,Houston,TX 77079, City of Houston, Houston)
💖Daren Spa💖🔥🔥4 NEW GIRLS THIS WEEK🔥🔥💘💘 OPEN 24/7💘💘 💙ღ💙BEST SERVICE💙ღ💙✿▃▂100% SEXY▂▃✿▃▃ - 20
(11901 Katy Freeway,Houston,TX 77079, City of Houston, Houston)
Drop Dead GORGEOUS!!! 36 DD/24/34 NATURAL! Beautiful COVER GIRL! ((KADENCE)) - 24
(Houston, HOUSTON, TX)
Dont Pass Up The Girl Next Door ::: CLICK HERE ::: 4Jaw-Dropping Talent! (Every Race Welcome) Age: - 19
👅Don't miss out on this sophisticated 💜 hot 🔥beautiful Layla ✨ 💦 Guaranteed to make you weak 💦✨ - 24
(Houston, Houston, 1960 & 45)
🎀♥DONT MISS OUT ! ♥💕 P€RF€CT ♥💕 Exotic Indian/ Ebony♥💕 ❤💄🎀♥INCALLS && OUTCALLS - 20
(Houston, INCALLS (45n & rankin) && OUTCALLS !!!!)
°•°•°*** DIAMOND ***°•°•° "The lone star states Sexy little Secret !" CALL ABOUT MY HOT SPECIALS - 24
(Houston, channelview/east side/exit sheldon rd.)
🌟▃▃🌟DAREN SPA🌟▃▃🌟▃▂▂🌸🌸🌸NEW GIRLS THIS WEEK🌸🌸🌸▂▂▃ ✨💜24/7💜✨▬▬▬▬💓💓100% SEXY💓💓▬▬▬▬☎️☎️☎️ - 20
(11901 Katy Freeway,Houston,TX 77079, City of Houston, Houston)
___________ DDD LATINA __________ NO O'S BARRED_ $55/$75 /$95 _________ PICK UR PLEASURE ! ________ - 27
(_________ 610 LOOP/NO BLK MEN! _________)
DANGEROUSLY 💋💎💋💎super Hot & K!nKY 💋💎36DDD Bombshell curves - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Westheimer Rd)
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy.... StReSS ReLiEf ..&.. ReLaXaTiOn $80 Specail !! DoN't MiSs - 22 - 22
DALLAS#1 MiXeD BeAuTy * * *ThE BeSt Of tHe BeSt ! ! ! TeRRiFiC *TuEsdAy * StReSs ReLiEf SPeCaiL ! ! - 22
Don't Wonder How Sl!ppery Ms. Kitty Is....Call Me and I'll Show You. Bi-Racial Beauty. - 28
(Houston, Katy, Cypress, Downtown, Sugarland)
_______________ ________ DDD KAYLA_______ _________ NO LIMITZ _________ _HOUR_ _______________ ____ - 26
(ACCESSABLE 2 U FRM 290 I-10 45 59 OR 610)
*♥* DeFiNiTlY *♥* BeTTeR *♥* ThAn *♥* ThE *♥* LaSt *♥* - 24
(Houston, 1960/woodlands/conroe/spring/humble)
🌟▃▃🌟DAREN SPA🌟▃▃🌟▃▂▂🌸🌸🌸NEW GIRLS THIS WEEK🌸🌸🌸▂▂▃ ✨💜24/7💜✨▬▬▬▬💓💓100% SEXY💓💓▬▬▬▬☎️☎️☎️ - 20
(11901 Katy Freeway,Houston,TX 77079, City of Houston, Houston)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty* * * SmAcK mY A** & PuLl My HaIr. . . ! KiNkY fUn LuNch SpEcIaL!! - 22
(59/ kirkwood)
DALLAS#1 Mixed Beauty * * *LaSt dAY iN HoUsToN ***DESI***DoN't MiSs mE! ! ! ! LeAvInG in A FeW hOuRs - 22
(59 Kirkwood)
Dallas Texas..Serious Callers only!...Thick .Exotic beauty From California .very pretty - 32
(Houston, DALLAS, TEXAS)