Fri 10 Jan
BEAUTIFUL BLONDE SEDUCTRESS.. Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, & Discover
(Houston (Memorial area incall) Outcall to all of Houston & surrounding areas)
5 STAR TREAT ♥ Th!cK Th!GhS __5★ ★ VaNiLlA JUICY BoOtTy150 OUTCALLS! - 21
(in-hobby out-houston and surr areas)
$100 OUTCALL SPECIALS💋Perfect Curves💜💕BEAUTIFUL Face & Sensual✨OUTCALLS SPECIAL💋Don't miss out! - 23
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston and Surrounding Areas)
MILF ------------- 2 hot, & sexy "Genies in a bottle" to grant you 3 wishes! --------------- MILF - 37
Bubblebath Together Romantic 5'3 19 107 Kissing No Makeup Natural 832.704.6633 - 19
(Houston, Westheimer Royal Oaks Westchase Ic /Oc)
~MILF~ _________ _________ BeauTIFuL BaD-aSS BoDY ________ _________ ~ MILF ~ - 40
(Northside near IAH)
🆕➜№➊ ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ LOOK HERE FUN BLONDE NYMPHØ ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ - 24
(290/Hollister- Incall/Outcalls All Areas, City of Houston, Houston)
80 SPECIAL!! Slim Built With CURVES In All The Right Places!! - 22
(Houston, Northwest 290 & Surroundings In/Out)
Kinky ___ Classy __ Sexy __ Brunette ___ Play __ Time ___ Private Incall /Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall SW area area/outcall all houston)
**CLaSsY ** BuT **NasTY ** BLoNde ** BoomBShELL ** HAS a SpEcIaL 4 U HoUsToN!!!! ****
(610 & Richmond)
Thu 09 Jan
MisTy★ •[X]• Sweet Petite★[X] Amazing skiLLs★- 9362289303 Incall/Outcall All Areas - 23
(Houston, 45N Humble Conroe Baytown Laporte Katy)
Let Me Serve You Up >>You Can Have It Your Way. Im Ready - 18
(All of Houston and Surrounding Areas)
**** Hott MiXXed BrEEd **** Puerto RiCaN ... White..... Back Miss Beautii 19 HoTT New Model - 19
(All of Houston & Surrounding Areas)
* BUSTY --- BOW LEGGED ------ ISLAND EBONY------Doll $70 Outcall Special - 18
(Galleria, Hobby, Katy, Pearland, IAH,)
🏆✨🏆 Better than Her 👱 Her 👸 & Her👯 🏆✨🏆 - 21
(Baytown, City of Houston, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston & all surrounding areas, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
► ► Beautiful Busty Blonde ► ► OUTCALLS ► ** LATE NIGHT XXX PLAY **
Beautiful Blonde Playmate..... Only a phone call away! Accepting Cash, Visa, M/C, and Discover
(Houston (Memorial area incall) Outcall to all of Houston & surrounding areas)
► ► Beautiful Busty Blonde ► ► OUTCALLS ► ** (( AVAILBLE ALL NIGHT ))
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,s Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *MoNDaY MaDNeSS *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 832-272-5454 ------- MILF - 37
*BODY* ____ *OF* ___ *A* ___ *GODDESS* ____ *FACE* ___ *OF* _____ *AN* ____ *ANGEL* - 24
(Houston, woodlands kingwood spring heights)
Blonde bombshell and Latina beauty 🍭🍭 TWO GIRL CALLS - 23
(Houston, Incall 59 & KIRBY outcalls surrounding)
**** HoTT SeXXii & Ready ***** Miss Lisa 18 Miss Arika 22 Call Now Sexxii Latina - 18
(All of Houston & Surrounding Areas)
***** HoTT HoTT BaBes ****** ToP NoTcH MoDeLs 18 DoNt MiSS OuT - 18
(All of Houston & Surrounding Areas)
Looking for some EXCITEMENT? Come See ~JADE~ and you won't be disappointed! 832-396-5417 - 37
(Northside-45 & Rankin)
LOOK LOOK LOOK HOT Italian blonde 832 208 0661 incall/outcall **Fetish Friendly** huge DD boobs - 20
(sw houston/ lake jackson/ y/ alvin)
Looking for some EXCITEMENT? Come See ~JADE~ and you won't be disappointed! 281-507-2008 - 36
(Northside-45 & Rankin)
↪↪↪NAUGHTY REDHEAD 36DD PLAYMATE ... 💯 ☎ Jessica 832- 280-7073 ☎ 😘😘😘 HOT SPECIALS - 28
********Good Morning Guys ******* Any Time ***** Private Incall galleria / Outcall all Houston - 30
(incall galleria area/outcall all houston)
*****CuM RiDe 1 CLaSS ***** AriKa **** UpScALe *** BLoNd *** LaTiNa ***** - 23
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL ReViEwEd BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/ALL surr areas)
Wed 08 Jan
Miss AriKa //// AbSoLuTLy BeAuTiFuL ////// 23 yr old LaTiNa - 23
(All of Houston & Surrounding Areas)
💕incalls & outcall specials🌺🌸 ruby your favorite Latina 🌺 Español 🌸 - 21
(45/1960in ) galleria woodlands Stafford, City of Houston, Houston)
💕in & outcall specials🌺🌸 ruby your favorite Latina 🌺 Español 🌸 - 21
(45/1960in ) galleria woodlands Stafford, City of Houston, Houston)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) Feeling Frisky? ME TOO!!! Lets Help Each Other !!! REPEAT CLIENT DISCOUNT - 23
Extravaganza Extravaganza ♠️💚♠️💚♠️💚♠️💚♠️ Latina - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston all surrounding areas outcalls, Pearland, Sugar Land)
discreet incalls OUTCALLS/ MASSAGE.(10/60 quick) petite sexy ebony vixen/ 100% real and ready 24/7 - 18
(Houston, west (i-10/hwy 6))
☆ 80 Incall Special! ☆ One Of A Kind TRUE Pleaser... I LOVE What I Do! - 22
(Houston, 45 & 1960 In/Out)
100% Latina Waititng for ya guys to have an unforgetable time ********** - 22
»-★-» .. 713- 454- 4966 »-★-»- DESTINY ...... T. G. I. F ..... OUTCALL SPECIALS-!
♥ GoRGEoUS BL0NDE PLaYMaTe !!! HuGe B00BS! Long Legs, PReTTy FaCe! BLoNde BoMbSheLL ♥ - 26
(Houston, INCALL (sw/se) & OUTCALL Everywhere!)
**CLaSsY ** BuT **NasTY ** BLoNde ** BoomBShELL ** HAS a SpEcIaL 4 U HoUsToN!!!! **** - 36
150 Outcall Special! HAVE ME OVER... WHY? I'm A PETITE 120lbs Of PURE Excitement! - 22
(Houston, 45n/1960/Bush/Spring/Woodlands/Conroe)
Tue 07 Jan
MILF~~~ 832~507~8046 ~~~ BEAUTIFUL~~~ BANGIN BODY ~~~ BRILLIANT ~~~ 832~507~8046 ~~~ MILF ~~ - 37
(Houston North I-45/Rankin)
▃▃▃▃💙▃▃▃▃ LINDSEY LOVES OLDER MEN ▃▃💙▃▃ Slippery When W*E*T Lets Play▃▃💙▃▃▃▃ ** OUTCALL ONLY ** - 29
(City of Houston, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, Woodlands Humble Downtown Galleria JFK)
**SPRing BReaK (()) **((BacK IN TOwn))*NEW PICS **CLASsy But NaSTY**EXOTIC ASIAN MIXX (outcalls) - 25
CALL ME!! 832 272 0288 Immediately Available Blonde " HOT YOUNG SNOW BUNNY " - 20
(katy,cypress,249,290,HWY 6 the heights)
((( BLACK FRIDAY SALE ))) ------ Coffee Cakes Is Ready To Play ---- ((( 100 Outcall Special ))) - 21
✨🏆🌟 BETTER than her👱 HER 👯 & her 👱🌟🏆✨ - 21
(Baytown, City of Houston, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Houston & All Surrounding Areas, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, The Woodlands)
💞💛Beautiful C U B A N Goddess 💛💞 An experience like never before! 🚨 *SPECIALS ALL night * - 19
(City of Houston, Houston, The Woodlands, Woodlands and all surrounding areas)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ...... ,cLaSSy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ * GeTaWaY *....PLeASuRe A wAiTs - 30
(northwest 290)
........ AvAiLAbLe NoW ........ ,sX(x)Xy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *S a T u R D a Y SeDuCtDreSS *.... - 30
(northwest 290)
Misty Baby✨Funsized Playmate!!🌹In/outcall 4094202915✨ - 30
(All of Houston and surrounding areas, City of Houston, Houston)
* ♥ * ¨¨*★ LeT * ¨¨* mY * ¨¨* cAnDy * ¨¨* RaIn * ♥ * ¨¨*★ - 24
(All Over Houston & Surrounding Areas)