Tue 07 Jan
Bored? Stressed? just want a cool place to ralex in? Come enjoy a wonderfuil Massage from me!! - 37
💋🍦💎BLONDE BABE💎🍦💋 Guaranted to leave you with a smile!!😘 - 26
(Houston, Houston, Galleria, Sugarland, Spring, Sugar Land)
Mon 06 Jan
Indulge in a DIFFERENT but AMAZING sensual experience by an exotic BEAUTY. Get CURIOUS and READ ME!! - 36
(Private Residence (Westheimer/Hillcroft))
** HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM ** Private Home ** HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM ** Private Home **
!!!!! What A Great Day To Say No To Stress !!!!!!! Lovely, Mature Lady !!!!!!!!! - 48
(Houston, SW HOUSTON)
NEW PICS 🌹 Sexy 🌹 Exotic 🌹 Classy 🌹 Petite 🌹 Available Now ❤ - 23
(610 / 290, City of Houston, Houston)
NEW PICS!!! gentlemens paradise! BEEN LOOKING FOR GRECIA? great SPECIAL 2 hands 49.99 4 hands 89.99! - 25
(45 north beltway 8, Houston)
gentlemens paradise! BEEN LOOKING FOR ? great SPECIAL 2 hands 49.99 4 hands 89.99! - 25
(Houston, 45 north beltway 8)
💋💖💖♛♣♣♣ ExOtiC BeAuTy aWaItIngG YoU _ exotic middle eastern 💋💖💖 - 21
(290/610, City of Houston, Houston)
SEXY SENSUAL Ms. Julie - W _ O_ O_ D _ L_ A_ N_ D_ S "WOW" Sensual / Body Slide Massage
(W O O D L A N D S)
SEXY SENSUAL Ms. Julie in CLEAR LAKE May 24th - May 27th! Specializing in Sensual / Prostate Massage
My TOUCH will drive you WILD! $60 Body Slide, $100 or Tantric Shower - 28
(Hwy 6/Bissonnet or290/Bingle or OutCall)
Sun 05 Jan
HURRY!! I'm leaving Houston in 2 days! TIA'S Sensual Slide and PROSTATE Massage. ** UNBELIEVABLE!!
(((Private Home))) 2 HOT BI-SEXUAL HOUSEWIVES (4 Hand Only) (((Private Home))) 281-746-0854
(NW--290/1960---PRIVATE HOME)
OUTCALL!1 OF A K I N D___ B E A U T I F U L ______ L I L Y___L A T I N A __4RM____ TEXAS (Outcall) - 24
(Houston, Galleria Area,Katy,Donwtown,Bush Airport)
Let our TOUCH drive you WILD! This week specials all massages** $50-$125!
(45N & Rankin or Houston Outcalls)
@@@@ YOU need some relax? I waiting for You ...!!!!!for GIVE YOU SEXY BODY RUBS is the BEST@@@@@ - 25
╠╣OT〓〓〓► █▒ ╠╣OT〓〓〓► ♥▬♦▬♥ ❣ ♥▬♦▬♥ GORGEOUS❤❤ ¸ .•*´¨➲`*•.¸ PLAYMATE ♥▬♦▬♥ ╠╣OT〓〓〓╠╣OT〓〓〓 █▒ - 29
(Houston, out calls)
gentlemens paradise! BEEN LOOKING FOR GRECIA? great SPECIAL 2 hands 49.99 4 hands 89.99! - 25
(Houston, 45 north beltway 8)
********* EVE is Here SATURDAY for a FULL BodY RUB DOwn********* Call me now! 832-292-7225 - 21
(near downtown)
+*+* Cute Japanese Lady Offers Great Massage +*+ 832.372.0166 +*+ in/out calls - 40
(Houston, West houston or Out Calls)
dont be shy..let me touch you..in calls and out available👄👄👄 - 24
(City of Houston, Conroe, Galveston, Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Houston, Huntsville, incall in the woodlands,out calls local, The Woodlands)
832-352-7248 call now 100 special /120 PROSTATE TODAY ONLY
(290w@beltway...not a spa and only 15 min)
Whatever you want, Whatever you need!!!! Starving Student in need of tuition. Early Bird Special - 31
Sexy Latina With a Soft Touch Awaits ___BeSt RelaXatIon u Ever Had !!!! - 27
(In/out calls all over Houston)
SpeciaLS ~Every MANS DREAM!! with SOFT& SwEET& genTLE Blue eyed Blonde*** $$$$$$ - 21
(Houston, 610/290)
Hot Mixed Latina ready to ease your troubles away. *!*!*!* Christina *!*!*!* - 22
(Galleria/Westchase, Galleria)
Have Fun!! Incalls N Outcalls n the Galleria!! Call NOW!! Galleria Incalls N Outcalls. - 25
(Houston, Incalls or Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
(((Private Home))) 2 HOT BI-SEXUAL HOUSEWIVES (4 Hand Only) (((Private Home))) 281-746-0854 - 40
(NW 290&1960- PRIVATE HOME)
(((NEW PICS))) 2 HOT BI-SEXUAL HOUSEWIVES (4 Hand Only) (((Private Home))) 281-746-0854 - 40
(NW 290&1960- PRIVATE HOME)
INTENSE Body Rub with Slide & PAMPERING Tantric Shower. Total RELAXATION.
(45N & Rankin or Houston Outcalls)
*** COOOOME Out & PLAY!!! *** (tm) ... TwO OpTiONS to choose ... MATURE Older Woman - 51
*♥♡♥CoMe Relax Let Me take Care of YOUR NeedS♥♡♥* *(New pics) - 25
(Houston, Houston, clear Lake, galveston, webste)
BeTTeR ~~ H Ѽ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G °SeSSiOn ! - 36
(HOUSTON ~713~585~6235~INCALLS)
*ღ*100 Sexy Latina Special *ღ* Body slide *ღ* Prostate Massage *ღ* 24/7
(290w@beltway...not a spa and only 15 min)
My TOUCH will drive you WILD! $50 Sensual Body Slide, $75 Almost Prostate, $90 Prostate SPECIALS! - 28
(290/Bingle or Houston Out-Call)
$$$》$exy ThicK && WAItin 2 RUB &&& WIPE ur STreSS AWAY!!! IM WAITING - 26
(Houston, downtown and surrounding)
EVER had a COLOMBIAN TASTE? YOU need a colombian in your life!!! - 24
(Houston, 45 north & beltway 8)
Every MANS DREAM!! with Blue eyed Blonde Madison*** SpeaciaLS TODAY long legs - 21
(Houston, 610/290)
E X O T I C ________ B E A U T I F U L ______ M I X E D _____L A T I N A ____4RM____ TEXAS (Outcall) - 24
(Houston, Galleria Area,Katy,Memorial,Donwtown)
☆exotic☆♡LATINA♡Emely ♡☆♡☆🍦i'm waiting for you gimme a call ♡♥☆📍💝 - 21 - 21
(Houston, westheimer galleria area)
WOW** $75 SEXY SPECIAL THIS HOUR *** Body slide *** Prostate massage ***24/7 naughty fun
(290w@beltway...not a spa and only 15 mins from the galleria)
Will U be my Valentine ? Come have a Great day with a Geat massage from Me!!! - 37
***Sexy Rub Downs by Candy***IN / OUT Call Available* 832-291-8048 - 38
(Houston, Houston 290 magnum)
My TOUCH will drive you WILD, $25 Off ANY massage** (TODAY 12/29 ONLY) - 28
(290/Bingle or Houston OutCall)
Fall is a time to TREAT yourself!! So Come in for a Wonderful Massage from me!! - 37
Brand NEW Houston!! Erotic Body Rub by: Kennedy 🍒🍓🍌 - 20
(Houston, Woodlands, 45N, Spring, Willowbrook)
Fri 03 Jan
:--) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME TO UN-WIND !!!!!!!!!!!! Mature Brunette !!!!!!!!!!!!! :--) - 45