- Poster's age : 24
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- City : Houston
- Location : Houston
°*((= ExTrEmELy =)) °o★©° ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★© °((=HoTTie=))° W3T/ TiiGhT/ jUiCy
Posted : Friday, January 10, 2025 12:55 PM | 5 views
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hazel eyed Puerto Rican beauty Layla Montez 214*407*2124 !!/\ IT'S REALLY ME! 5'7, Fair skin, hazel eyes, long curly auburn hair, slim waist, beautiful face.. Available for incalls from 9am to 3am. Located near SW Houston. Safe, CLEAN and convenient incall location. Real and recent pics! No surprises, no hassles! Non-rushed, passionate sessions. Charming mature latina, highly skilled in many aspects. You have been searching too long! You deserve to treat yourself once and while. Wasting time with these filthy little girls with foul attitudes {and sometimes odors ;)} is only going to result in more stress and tension. However, I have all of the amenities... Cum and relax for a while... Even though I constantly update my photos; I still hear everyday I look better in person..You should come see for yourself! This is how your exXxperience should be. You will not regret the decision.. If you would like to see more photos and a little more information regarding availability and services check out the website::} http://laylamontez01.escort-site.com *Call for booking. *I only need at least 30 minutes to an hour advance notice* !!INcALL_SpEcIalZ!! *YoU hAvE BeEn CheAtiNg YoUrSeLf ToO LoNg! CuM & eXxXpEriEnCe WhAt ReAL pAsSiOn iS liKe... ({for appointments between the hours of 3am to 10:30am please book the evening in advance) ExXxTeNdEd SeSsiOnS aVaiLaBlE aS wELL~CaLL tO iNqUiRe... Reviews::: --------------------- http://www.horndogs.info/showthread.php?t=19976 ----------- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=11088&highlight;=Layla+Montez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************************************************************** ***** PS:: WATCH OUT FOR FAKES! A GIRL ON BP IS USING MY PICS! BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE LAYLA MONTEZ BABY! ~And ALL of my pics are REAL and RECENT!*******************************************************************************************************
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Please read before replying... Money exchanged in legal adult personal services is for modeling and is simply for the time expended in the delivery of lawful entertainment. with referance to CA Penal Code section 647(b) and CALJIC No. 16.420, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either: (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) Solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or consideration. This is not an offer of prostitution. Fees charged are for time spent only. I do reserve the right to decline appointments, as I deem necessary. By contacting me (either through phone or by mail) you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any law enforcement agency using this advertisement for entrapment or for my arrest, this is a contract between you and I that you enter into contacting me. listcrawler corpus,escorts jackson miss,mature austin escorts,ts portland escorts,ts escorts huntsville al,baytown texas craigslist,exotic massage,escorts sarasota ts,bedpage bodyrub,listcrawlers.com