Mon 27 Jan
Lucy Spa *** 346-308-1795 *** Sexy Lady........Grand Opening ...The Best Choice & Service - 22
(City of Houston, Houston, SW 59, Beltway 8, Chinatown, Sharpstown)
LoVeLY, SoPhiStiCateD, eXQuiSiteLY PRovoCaTive, TeaSinG, SenSuousLY eDucateD, TeMptiNG and TaLeNTeD! - 27
L:|O:|O: |K:|I:|N:|G F:|O:|R T:|H:|E T:|O:|T:| A:|L P:|A:|C:|K: |A:|G:|E - 23
(★ In's:- Southwest ★)
^*^*^ Just the way you like it! ^*^*^ 100 Special - 44
(Houston, West/Southwest/Sugarland/Alief IN/OUT)
*KANDI* 832 - 605 - 7892 - ? stress relief? fetishes & fantasies? - 19
(incalls only.... Richmond & beltway8)
♥ :::::Just What You Need::::: ♥ ::::::Very Open-Minded ::::: ♥ - 25
(U Come 2 Me in Southwest Houston)
Jasmine 80 100 SPECIALS ! ThA dEEpER U gO ThA wEtTeR iT GeTs!!°¤°Cum & See°¤°- GFE for you - Call! - 23
(Bissonett 59 SW Southwest Frwy)
Incall $pecial !!! Call Now 832.410.9283 (WestHeimer Areas ) - 20
(Houston, Trammel Fresno. Hwy. 6 288 south areas)
★°•● Irresistible BLONDE bombshell ●•°★ FuN KinKy PlAyMaTe...XoXo in call specials - 22
(Houston, in calls only- southwest fwy59/kirby rd)
INCALLS ____OUTCALLS ((hot ebony)) ______ AVAILABLE NOW!!!!! - 21
(Houston, Southwest In Out All over)
inCall $pecials (100-15min) (150hhr + 200hr) {100% REAL PIC'S) 832 - 605 - 7892 - Call Me - 19
(westimer & sam houston tollway8 south)
======= LOOK NO FURTHER! ======== ❤ ========= I'M THE *EbOnY HoTTiE* oF YoUR DREAMS - 22
(★ Southwest Houston ★)
××*°_√ $ I X T Y *°_√ $ I X T Y *°_√N A $ T Y_°*×× - 22
I'll Take You Where You Want To Go Find Out How Bad Girls Really Roll (GFE/P*S*E)Hot Pics 80
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
(( * H🌟TOWN !! 💋💄SuPeR HOT 👙34F 🍑GoRgeOuS SuNkiSseD 👑 CALiFORNiA PRiNCESS. - 26
(City of Houston, Your place 😙 24/7)
❀HoTT BlondE cHiCk nEw oN tHiS SiTe bUt NoT NeW To YoUr NeeDs❀ - 22
(SoUthWeSt HoUsToN In/Out59South&BeLtWaY8;)
HoT NEW PiCs ____ MaKe U SWeAT ✦▬▬✦ EXoTiC Sophia ✦▬▬ 》》C u M ✦ HERE《《 ▬▬✦ SeXy BoDy ✦▬▬✦JuiCY (◎人◎) - 25
(Houston, GALLERIA CONDO Richmond Post Oak 610/59)
__( HoT! )—•—( D€L¡C¡OUs )—•—( H€aRT-SToPP¡NG )—•—( €BoNy MixX€D)—•—( BoMBSH€LL )—•— - 22
(Houston, Southwest In/ OuT Surrounding areas)
HOT! Blonde ♥ ~ Up All Night ~HEY GUYS, Are You ALONE & BORED Wanna PL{A}Y Call BRANDI Now?? - 26
(southwest freeway/kriby In/Outcalls)
** @ **HOT 2 TROT RED HOT SPECIALS !!!!! open IT UP & SEE !!!! @ DYNAMITE exotic ebony== $50/Special - 26
(Houston, **59/SouthWest@Beltway**8///In or Out)
√ (HONEST) )- √ (SEXY)- √ (AZZ)- √ (TITs)- √ (CUTE)- √ (FLaT SToMACH)- √ (PRiVATE) - 20
(Houston, INCALL 45 & 1960. OUTCALLS ALL OVER)
❤ ▄ ❤ ▬▬▬▬▬ hot 2 trot ebony ▬▬▬$60▬▬▬ NEW❤GORGIOUS ▬▬▬$60▬▬▬ AVAILABLE NOW ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬IN/OUTCALL❤ ▄ ❤ - 25
(Houston Southwest, 《WESTHEIMER~HWY6~WESTCHASE~BELT8~》In/Out)
Hersheys Wishes they were this sweet!!!! 23 yr old, AA Female for your pleasure!!!!!! - 23
(Westchase Area)
Girl on Girl Action... SUPER SPECIALS ♥╚»♥ DEFiNiTELY ((TWO)) OF-A-KiND!! ♥«╝♥ AVAILABLE 24/7!!! - 26
Girl Next Door, Upscale, discreet, sweet, and sexy ---> EMILY IS BACK!!!!! - 20
(Houston and willing to travel to you)
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
I CaN KeEp yOuR SeCrEtS oR DrOp tO My kNeEs n bECoMe oNe!! CaUtIoN wEtTeR tHaN A SuBmArInE - 24
FARRAH LESHAY Super Nice Super Sexy In a word Flawaless! no B/S or Lets make a Deal! blonde - 22
(Houston, westpark & Gensser (no hotel) my home)
=====★EXOTIC EARLY-BIRD MISS PRETTY BOOTY★==$65S===wonderful tasty ebony==$65==★CARAMEL CUTY PIE★ - 25
(Houston Southwest, ★WILLOWBROOK~249~TOMBALL~FM1960★ IN/OUT)
** Exotic Mixxed Beauty ******* $e.xy .....&......... $weet unseen talents!!!!! - 22 - 22
Experience DOES matter!!!!! Don't settle for less!!!! I am the BEST in the Southwest!!!! - 49
(Houston Southwest, Galleria, Btwy 8, Sugarland, Southwest)
★ _[[ ExOtic Eb0nY bEaUtY ]] _ * UnFoRgEttAbLe ExXxPeRiEnCe * _[[ ExXxtreme GFE ]]_ ★
(✰ 59 & SOUTHWEST)
♥ Exclusive! ♥ {💎} Ms.Tiffany Dymond {💎} Puerto Rican GiRL 》Amazing Body》100$ hh ♥ 140hr - 20
(Houston, Southwest = IN & OUT)
° ♥ ° Ebony & Ivory College Girls Ready For Happy Hr. ° ♥ ° - 22
(Houston, Houston,Tx Westchase)
**:: ::**SEXY Ebony Companiion w/ NaUgHY InN§iOns**:: ::* - 23
(((*-Southwest Houston-*)--INCALLS ONLY)))
•♥• [ EBONY Freak Doll] •♥• [ PRETTY ] •♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ CLASSY ] Baytown, La Porte - 24
(Houston, SOUTHEAST)
discreat little BLONDE TREAT . . . new in town click now ! ! ! (100 in call specials) - 23
(Houston, in calls only- southwest/ hwy 59-kirby)
5 St★r Ebony Companion Provides the Ultimate HR G(F)E SPECIAL! ★100% satisfaction - 24
((*ღ* Southwest Frwy *ღ*))
♥★ DOUBLE the TROUBLE DOUBLE the FUN ♥ 2 girls is better than ONE! ♥ VERIFIED & WELL REVIEWED ♥★ - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Westchase/Galleria/Westheimer/Beltway)
DELUXX BUBBLE BOOTY 40DDs W/ the Perfect Best Freak SESSIONS === $60Spcls === 24/7Skills ALL DAY - 25
(Houston Southwest, Westheimer@HWY-6/Beltway-8 IN/OUT SPCLS)
DIANA DOES IT BETTER!! - Staying (TWO MORE) Days! Have YOU Seen MY Magic TRICK? - 21
(Galleria/SouthWest Fwy)
★—*— ((★ Cute Face & The Perfect Body ★)) —**—Super Sexy In Specials ★ - 25
(Houston, 290 610 Beltway 8 1960)
Cutie with a Big B(o)(o)ty! OUTCALL ONLY 36DD MIXED BEAUTY 100Special - 21
_______ _ Come Spend An Hour Underneath My Talented Hands :-) NOW BOOKING FOR SUNDAY ... 12pm to 8pm - 30
(Houston, 4 Star Hotel In Southwest Houston on 59s)
Courageous, Curvaceous & Cute ..latenight $60 Outcall $pecials"....Im Available "832-410-6244" - 26
Come Play W/ These DD's $pecials $pecials $50 $pecials *Thick N Freaky 100% Real - 20
(Houston, Southwest Houston Area In Call)
Come Have Fun With Naomi and Ms. Jasmine ***$$$*** Two Girls Are More Fun ***$$$*** Sexy Hot - 24
(Houston, Southwest/ 59/Wilcrest/Murphy/ IN&OUT;)
@*@*COME & DIVE INTO SUMTHIN * **T*I*G*H*T * JUICY & * W*E*T@*@* (($65Creamy Thursday Specials$65)) - 26
(Houston, **Beltway/8@59/SouthWest**[In/Outcall])
__classy ,sassy & NaSTy ,never trashy _ *THuRsDaY TReaSuRe *..... PL ea SuRe .aWaiTs U * - 27
(northwest 290)
click me!..60 Roses 30 mins incall outcall start at 100... 8328000840 - 23
(Houston, sw houston bissonnet @ kirkwood)
*!*CO~CO BROWN S*L*U*T*T**!((( (($65 Late Nigh t Freak Action$ 65)))))*!*CO~CO BROWN *S*L*U*T *T* - 26
(Houston, ***59-SouthWest-Frwy***((In=Out)))
C:a:L:i --- G:i:R:l --- R:e:A:d:Y--- 2--- E:x:P:L:O:R:E. ---Ask About 2 Girl Special - 22
(Houston, West chase)
___ Be AuTiFuL ____ E x O t i c ___ HOT ____ PLaY m aTe ___ 100% *REAL*PICs - 22
(Houston, southwest in/out calls)
ANGEL Has Landed in Southwest! - Open 24/7 - 979.533.3950 ↗↗↗ - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, SOUTHWEST)
ANGEL Has Landed in Southwest! - Open 24/7 - 979.533.3950 ↗↗↗ - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, SOUTHWEST)