Mon 27 Jan
Make your Next move your BEST move ... Call ~Jade~ @ 281-620-0506 to schedule an appointment today! - 37
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 281-507-2008 ------- MILF - 36
Looking for some EXCITEMENT? Come See ~JADE~ and you won't be disappointed! 832-272-5454 - 37
(Northside-45 & Rankin)
♡♡● Issa ●♡♡ interested in more than the usual? - 19
(Houston, Hwy 6 & i10, outcalls all over Houston)
!!!!! INCALL Special!!!!! Get Your Piece of this GFE Cutie with a NICE BIG BOOTY! - 21
(45 South and Fuqua, Houston metro)
If U wanna have a GREAT time CALL ME (Red Headed Italian) Ready to SERVE and PLEASE YOU....... - 27
(Houston, Tx.)
★ ☆★ ☆ I Need Some AFFECTION... Do You? ★ ☆★ ☆ - 22
(Houston, 1960/45n/Woodlands/Spring/Bush/Conroe)
❤❤❤• I give great bee bee jay. Smoking Hot CARIBBEAN Beauty 100 Out-Calls full hour❤❤❤ - 19
(Houston, Galleria area 290/610 Incall/Outcall)
☑ I Have A MASTER'S In Ple@sing And A PHD In Te@sing!! ☑ - 23
(Houston, Woodlands/Spring/Conroe (In - Out))
☑ I Have A MASTER'S In Ple@sing And A PHD In Te@sing!! ☑ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
:):)!!!! HUMP DAY SPECIAL!!!!! Sweet GFE Baby is ready to PLEASE YOU! - 21
(SE Houston, Houston and surrounding area)
😊 ♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »- $80 💄C▒U▒R▒V ▒Y»-♥-» B▒L▒O▒N▒D▒E 💖💖 B▒A▒R▒B▒I▒E♥ $pecials - - 22
(Houston, All Houston 290,Nw,Sw,all surroun)
EROTIC RED HEAD incalls outcalls sexy steamy sweet silky IM JUST WHAT YOU NEED 281 726 9141 - 26
(Houston, southwest hou)
💋💋EBONY Big bOOty❤️BeauTy WiTh CuRves 👅 SwEet To EaT🍭 (100 OUTCALLS NOW) 👍Let's Have Fun!!!💋💋 - 24
--- >>> --- >>> DESTINY 713-423-4518 .... ALL NATURAL BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BRUNETTE - !!!
DaDDy'S Little Girls ....#@ @#...... SeXy Sisters.... AMY / EMILY - 19
(Houston and surrounding areas katy, Suga)
CUM & Bust a load off w/ Your Naughty Puerto Rican Princess !!! 180 SPECIAL TODAY! - 26
(West Houston)
Cum See! Back by popular demand ... Houston's "Dynamic Duo" wants YOU to cum join their party! - 36
(45 & Rankin-Northside)
come have fun with me lily Dalton 832-820-0423 - 29
(City of Houston, Houston, surrounding erea,s of houston)
come have fun with me lily Dalton 3463095922 - 29
(City of Houston, Houston, surrounding erea,s of houston)
C:a:L:i --- G:i:R:l --- R:e:A:d:Y--- 2--- E:x:P:L:O:R:E. ---Ask About 2 Girl Special - 22
(Houston, West chase)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 26
(♥ Houston/ALL surr areas ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/SuRr ArEaS _♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston In's & Out's ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN SeXxXy BLoNdE)) =_♥_= (( WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(Houston/surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(♥ Houston ALL surr areas ♥)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston ALL surr areas)
=_♥_= ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE =_♥_= WeLL ReViEwEd =_♥_= 1OO% ReAL!! - 25
(_♥_ HoUsToN/ SuRr ArEas_♥_)
=_♥_= ((ALL AmEriCaN BLuE EyEd BLoNdE)) =_♥_= ((WeLL ReViEwEd ))=_♥_= 1OO% ReAL - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
☆ Adventurous And Fun!!! ☆ I Look Good In Every Position!!! ☆ Specials!!! ☆ - 22
(Houston, 45n/1960/Bush/Spring/Woodlands/Humble)
❦‿❦ A -- -- B A D D -- -- G I R L -- -- W I T H -- -- A -- -- S W E E T -- -- S I D E ! ! ❦‿❦ - 22
(Houston, 290/Fairbanks In/Out [CLICK HERE!])
832-272-5454 - 2 Hot, & Sexy "Genies in a Bottle" to Grant you 3 Wishes! - 832-507-8046 - 37
--► 60 60 60 SPeCiALs ALL DAy!!!!! SExY REdHEAd BUStY BEAuTy,LetS PLAy 60 60 60◄-- - 21
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * (*WeLL ((ReViEwEd)) BLoNdE*) - 25
(Houston In's & Out's)
100% Latina Waititng for ya guys to have an unforgetable time ********** - 22
Turn off d lights, fall onto my table, let me knead away your stress, have some fun, Mea Culpa. - 30
(Houston, Galleria, Behind the Mall)
*SPECIAL 50* Shay: Voluptuous 38DD, Thick & Curvy, Brunette, Full Body Massage Specialist - 37
(Houston Southwest, West, I-10 West, Beltway 8)
For a Stimulating, Therapeutic, Soothing, Relaxing Sensual Massage, call me !
(Galleria/behind the mall)
(([[See why we are #1]])) ---Free massage by Male Models.. (reg. $55)... New Pics
(North and South Houston - Outcall/Incall)
Sun 12 Jan
_____ ______ ______ WET _____ & _______ WILD _______ WEDNESDAY _______ independant - 37
(WESTHEIMER& DUNLAVY/ Downtown, Midtown,)
☆ __ GrEaT ReViEwS ( *Hot BLoNDe* ) __ ♥ __ ExTrA NaUgHtY __ ( *1OO% REAL* ) __ ☆ - 26
(Houston In's & Out's)
Knotty Naughty pleasure of receiving a sexy woman's full attention! (*-*)
(Galleria/ behind the mall)
Sat 11 Jan
== ** == >>> Incall Specials! == ** == >>> WITH SMOKING HOT BUSTY BRUNETTE - !!!
It's another cold night but the HOTTEST REDHEAD GFE in Houston knows how to warm you up!!! - 35
(Houston Metro Area)
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_(rE)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(☆ Houston/all surr areas ☆)
(*-*) Sensual massage with Yvette! Nice, soft music, just close ur eyes & enjoy - 30
(Houston, Galleria/ behind the mall)
☆ (B)l(O) _n_ (D)e (G)o_(N)_e (W)i_(L)_d G_r(E)_aT Re_(ViEwS) ☆ - 25
(Houston/all surr areas)
>>>>> Don't Look Any Further ... Cum See the HOTTEST Girl-on-Girl Duo in Houston 281-507-2008
(45 & Rankin-Northside)
(*-*) Sensual girlfriend style massage with Yvette! Nice, soft music, just close ur eyes & enjoy - 30
(Houston, Galleria/ behind the mall)
Fri 10 Jan
____ ______ ______ __ * LeT SaNtas (h)ea(d) HeLPeR, hELp YoU *_ ____ ______ _______ ______ ____ - 27
(out//everywhere OR__CuMe cLiMb iN!!)
MILF ------------- 2 hot, & sexy "Genies in a bottle" to grant you 3 wishes! --------------- MILF - 37
Bubblebath Together Romantic 5'3 19 107 Kissing No Makeup Natural 832.704.6633 - 19
(Houston, Westheimer Royal Oaks Westchase Ic /Oc)
__ * Montrose * __ _ ~~ CHARLIE - IS - BACK ~~ _ ___ ((( SLOW RELEASE ))) _ Independent - 37
Thu 09 Jan
Need Something HOT To Keep You Warm? Sexy, Skilled, and EXTREMELY ADDICTING! - 31
(Houston, Freeport/LJ/Brazoria/Angleton/Pearland)
MILF ------ Call "The Love Doctor" -- Jade, & "Nurse" -- Paige ! 832-272-5454 ------- MILF - 37
Looking for some EXCITEMENT? Come See ~JADE~ and you won't be disappointed! 832-396-5417 - 37
(Northside-45 & Rankin)
LOOK LOOK LOOK HOT Italian blonde 832 208 0661 incall/outcall **Fetish Friendly** huge DD boobs - 20
(sw houston/ lake jackson/ y/ alvin)
Looking for some EXCITEMENT? Come See ~JADE~ and you won't be disappointed! 281-507-2008 - 36
(Northside-45 & Rankin)
Its SOOOO Warm outside.. and so cool and fun inside With a Wonderful Refreshing Massage from ME!!!! - 37
Hey cowboy, Work like the Ok Corral? ride away with a great Massage FrOm ME!! - 39
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * *SwEeT *&* SeXxXy* * ((*WeLL ReViEwEd BLoNdE*)) - 25
(Houston/ALL surr areas)
Saturday, A day for You.. a Day for Me!! call me today for a wonderful experience.. - 39
(Houston, Midtown/Montrose)
Wed 08 Jan