Mon 27 Jan
❥Cum and Play with (YOuR DreAm GiRL))aLL FanTaSieS FulLFilLed HeRe☆ - 24
HoT NEW PiCs ____ MaKe U SWeAT ✦▬▬✦ EXoTiC Sophia ✦▬▬ 》》C u M ✦ HERE《《 ▬▬✦ SeXy BoDy ✦▬▬✦JuiCY (◎人◎) - 25
(Houston, GALLERIA CONDO Richmond Post Oak 610/59)
--- >>> --- >>> DESTINY 713-423-4518 .... ALL NATURAL BEAUTIFUL BUSTY BRUNETTE - !!!
Delina//Huge butt,sexy soft body/killer mouth - 24
(59,spring,north,baytown,katy,1960,290,45, City of Houston, Houston)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
☎80☎ *°•..-:¦:-..•° * Sexy Mixed Petite Treat Ready In The AM!* °•..-:¦:-..•°☎ 80☎ - 23
(Houston, 290 & Hollister Or Your Place 150 Outcal)
©60 Special SuPeR SexY !!! UpScAle ♤♡♤southside outCallS check out LATE NIGHTS - 21
$60 Spls · Upscale Mixed Companion & * DR!PPN * JUICY BOX * The LOVELY KiMORA ! Just One Call Away - 23
(Houston, 610 Galleria 59 Sw 290 I10 North South 8)
☆☆☆$20 & $60 Specials on this freaky Friday Birthday specials ☆☆☆ - - 23 - 23
(Houston, Galleria 59 610 South I-10 Katy SW 8)
#1 NEW high quality woman straight from **HAWAII** INTRODUCING Miss AMOR 402-518-2481 - 19
(Houston, 59 south/610/galleria/77057)
💚❤️== ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ 💜❣❣❣• THE BEST “NURU”BODY SLIDE •❣❣❣ 💜 ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ 💜805-399-0259 - 23
(Houston, i-10 Incall and Outcall)
🎀Sweet Asian, Chen is Available Now for You🎀 281-400-1636💋 - 26
(Houston, Westpark, Hillcroft, 59, 610,Galleria)
██ NEW WEEKLY SPECIAL ██ Amazing Massage By MALE MODELS ██ - 31
(Houston, North and South Houston (Incall/ Outcall)
— ❀ — A L W A Y S -T H E - B E S T ————— ❀ SeXy —E X P E R I E N C E——————**** - 25
(Houston, Galleria/Westchase/ 59 south)
$20 off❗️last app @ 6💋Curvy BRUNETTE💋 with an amazing touch ❗️incall only❗️CALL NOW ☎️281-701-6876 - 23
(59 south/galleria, Houston)
██ ALL-STAR WEEK SPECIAL ██ Amazing Massage By Male Models - See Pics - 30
(Houston, North and South Houston- Incall/ outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
( ★ WEEKLY SPECIAL ★ ) Amazing Massage by Handsome Male Models.. ($45/hr)... New Pics
(N. Houston - 45/ S. Houston 610)
Sat 11 Jan
💋💗LOVELY BRUNETTE💎💋 come relax with me today INCALL only❗️ CALL/TXT 👉281-701-6876👈 - 23
(59 south/galleria/westchase, Houston)
💋💗LOVELY BRUNETTE💎💋 come relax with me today INCALL only❗️ CALL/TXT 👉281-701-6876👈 - 23
(Houston, 59 south/galleria)
JuSt WHaT YoU NeeD ▬▬ BuStY EXoTiC MiX ▬▬ 》》Sophia Strokes 《《 ▬▬ BiG BooTY KinKy DReAmGiRL - 25
*FliP & TurN Me * -:¦:-In EvErY WaY -:¦:- FlExiBlE HoTTie* - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Fri 10 Jan
JuSt WHaT YoU NeeD ✦▬▬ KinKy EXoTiC MiX ▬▬ 》》》SeXy NEW PICS《《《 ▬▬ HoT CuRvY BoDy ▬▬✦ NaTuRaLLY BuStY - 25
(Houston, GALLERIA CONDO Richmond Post Oak 610/59)
I CaN KeEp aLl yOuR SeCrETs BaBy...oR DrOp To mY KnEeS n bEcOMe OnE
(Stafford/Southwest Houston Private condo)
100 KI$$E$ •*¨¨*•- ¦:-•* YoUr •☆• OwN•☆• $pArKLinG •☆ ; Fanta$y ☆• $tAr *•-: :-•*¨¨*•. - 23 - 23
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* Sensual Touch Thursday with Sexy ° HOTTT Latina CoCo •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 26
(Houston, 59 South/Westpark/Galleria)
Just Moved To Houston! ( Miss. Secret ) - Your #1 ASIAN = MIXED = BEAUTY (Nice BOOBS) + (Nice BOOTY) - 21
(Houston, 59 South, 610 , GaLLeria , Downtown I-10)
Thu 09 Jan
last app @ 5💋Curvy BRUNETTE💋 with an amazing touch ❗️incall only❗️CALL NOW ☎️281-701-6876 - 23
(59 south/galleria, Houston)
Wed 08 Jan
☑1OO% Independent ☑1OO% SeXy & ReaDy! ☑ 1OO% Total Package!!! - 24
(SouthWest Houston In/Out All Over)
Tue 07 Jan
██ WEEKLY SPECIAL $55/hr ██ Amazing Massage By MALE MODELS ██ - 31
(North and South Houston (Incall/ Outcall)
New, young, and mature SEXY blonde BEAUTY! NEW PICS💋💯REAL DEAL - 21
(Houston, 59, Galleria, south west)
50Quik $top "Latino freak" VERY OPEN MINDED! "SUPER HOTTT & EXOTIC SUPER FREAK" incall/outcall - 20
(Houston, 59 south west frwy, GALLERIA area)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•*Hi there, Come & Relax w/ Sexy Latina Madelyn •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 26
(Houston, 59 South/Westpark/Galleria)
Mon 06 Jan
100$❤⚠ 🚨➡➡➡➡➡ ➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡ ➡➡➡➡🔴 STOP HERE ❤️⚠ BubbleButt ❤️ ⚠ Bombshell💣❤️ ⚠❤️⚠Pretty HOTT🔥 - 23
(Allover Outcall and incall 805-399-2116, Baytown, Houston)
100% Real Photos ☆MiX CuTiE☆ (Green Eyes!) ● Wonderful LiPS ● LoNg SeXy LegS ~ INCALLS & OUTCALLS - 20
(Houston, SOUTHWEST / 59 SOUTH / GALLERIA / 610)
(Houston, North and South Houston (Incall/ Outcall)
$40 SpEcIAlS!! CuTe • PlaYfuL :¦: Sexy -:¦:- Ebony HoTTie• :¦: ♥:¦: (•¿•) $40 SpEciAlS!! - - 23 - 23
(Houston, Galleria 59 610 South SW Katy Beltway 8)
THE ULTIMATE PACKAGE ❌🔲❌🔲❦ Beautiful -- Sexy -- Sweet -- Sensual -- W A I T I N G to P A M P E R U! - 25
(Houston, Galleria/ Westchase/ 59 south)
*~*~EXOTIC Asian!!!! early sunday special ....60$~*~* - 24
(Houston, 59 south/beechnut, sugarland, galleria)
█ █ ► ◆ (BIG BOOTY) $80/$100 outcalls (305 209 4821) ◆ ◆°• - 21
(Houston, Southwest/Galleria/59 South)
Natalia is ready to rub all that stress away. Natalia is waiting for you. - 24
(Houston, Houston 59 South, Galleria Area)
Sun 05 Jan
🎈🎈I'm What you Really want Click Ebony• Attractive Very *Petite *Lady AVAILABLE 🎈🎈 COME GET ME 🎈🎈 - 22
(Houston, 59 SOUTH - Galleria Area / INCALL)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* Tingling Touch Friday w/ Sexy Madelyn •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 26
(Houston, 59 South/Westpark/Galleria)
NEW🔥 ╬╬❶T 🔥 new LATIN girl 💯 REAL photos 💯 Satisfaction 💯 RELAXATION 💯 Guaranteed 🔥 - 21
(59 south, galleria, harwin, Houston)
I'll Do your Body right 🙋💦_____BiG BooTy__💋 Sophia 💋__ BuSTy LaTiNa MiX ______😻 HoT NeW PiCS 😻 - 25
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
██ WEEKLY SPECIAL $55/hr ██ Amazing Massage By MALE MODELS ██ - 32
(North and South Houston (Incall/ Outcall)
*** NEW NEW NEW *** Melissa🔥ready for you📞💗 - 22
(59, Galleria, south west, City of Houston, Houston)
Doesn't Get Any Better Then This‼️ Naturally Skilled Latina W/ a SEXY big booty - 21
(Houston, 59, south, galleria)
100% Warm Fullbody Therapeutic, sensual healing massage will dissolve ur stress, U Relax & Recharge - 30
(Galleria, Behind the Mall)
$30 SPECIALS & $50 SPECIALS My PICS ARE REAL @nd NEW★☆InDePeNdEnT ❤ ▄▄ ❤ YoUNg ❤ ▄▄ ❤ ★ 22 - 22
(Houston, 610 Galleria 59 South 8 SW 290 Downtown)
Sat 04 Jan
****Brand new pics for the upscale gentlemen**** ((((Here to please not tease)))) - 19
(Houston, 59 South/Hillcroft/Galleria)
( 100% ReaL PiCs ) + INCALLS & OUTCALLS + [ SeXy SLiM BoDy .... ExOtiC MiX GiRL ] .... ( Ready NoW ) - 20
(Houston, Galleria/ Southwest/ 59 South/ 610 loop)
$20 off❗️💋💗LOVELY BRUNETTE💎💋 come relax with me today INCALL only❗️ CALL/TXT 👉281-701-6876👈 - 23
(59 south/galleria/westchase, Houston)
$20 off❗️💋💗LOVELY BRUNETTE💎💋 come relax with me today INCALL only❗️ CALL/TXT 👉281-701-6876👈 - 23
(59 south/galleria, Houston)
BiG BuTT__KiNkY Sophia ▃▃▃ SeXY NeW PiCs ▃▃▃▃ JuICy (◎人◎) ▃▃▃▃ DeLiCiOuS CuRvY BoDy____FeeLs So GooD - 25
♥AVAILABLE NOW Gorgeous Exotic Ladys, SEXY NEW PICS💋Let us Take You Out Of This World 💯REAL DEAL😘 - 21
(Houston, 59, Galleria, south west)
♥AVAILABLE NOW Gorgeous Exotic Babes, SEXY NEW PICS💋Let us Take You Out Of This World 💯REAL DEAL😘 - 21
(Houston, 59, Galleria, south west)
Fri 03 Jan